Rosh Chodesh
What is first of the month, "head of the year"?
True or false: Your Hebrew birthday and your Gregorian birthday will always be on the same day.
The name of the holiday where we start reading the Torah from the beginning and dance with the Torah in celebration
What is Simchat Torah?
Blessing over grape juice or wine
What is Borei Pri Hagafen?
What is casting our sins in a body of water?
The names of three Jewish months
Teacher has list
Name 2 miracles in the Hannukah story
Small Jewish army beating larger Greek army, oil lasting for 8 nights
Blessing over challah
What is hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz?
Name five Biblical characters
Too many to name!
What are forbidden activities on Shabbat?
This is the name of the "leap month" in the Jewish calendar!
What is Adar I?
The names of the lemon-looking item and the plants for Sukkot
What are Lulav and Etrog?
Blessing before noodles
Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Renewal, Humanistic...
What are honored guests we invite to our sukkah?
The kind of calendar the Jewish calendar is (ie based on the sun, the moon)
What is lunisolar?
The four blessings that we might say at home on Shabbat
Candle blessing, kiddush, netilat yadayim (washing hands), and hamotzi
Blessing before salad
What is Borei Pri Ha'Adamah?
Name three things a Jewish person might wear
Kippah, tallit, t'fillin, tzitzit
Shalosh Regalim
What are Festival holidays (Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot)?
First month of the Jewish calendar
What is Nisan?
The meaning of "Yom Kippur"
What is day of atonement?
Blessing before milk
Name the five books of the Torah and the three sections of the Tanakh
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Bereshit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim)
Torah, Prophets, Writings (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim)