What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.
What are you allowed to have in your water bottle?
How many laps do you receive for going up the slide the WRONG way?
2 laps.
What order should you line up in?
Number order or alphabetical order.
What is Ms. Riley's FAVORITE thing to eat?
What should you have ready when you come to class?
Have your materials ready.
When are you allowed to fill up your water bottle?
During restroom breaks.
When the whistle blows and/or you see a teacher put up their hand during recess what do you do?
You should line up quickly and quietly.
Which direction should you face in line?
Face forward.
How many children does Ms. Riley have?
She has 3 children.
How do students respect other students properties?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.
When you have an emergency to use the restroom, what do you do?
Hold up 1 finger.
What should you not throw at other students?
Any object.
What should your noise level be in line?
At a "zero"
How many grandchildren does Ms. Riley have and are they boys, girls, or both?
She has 1 and she is a girl.
When someone is talking, what should you do?
Practice active listening by paying attention, waiting your turn to share, and being respectful.
At the end of the day, how should your area on, under, and around you desk look?
Your desk should be clean, nothing under the desk, nothing on the desk, and trash picked up around the desk.
If the whistle blows and a person keeps playing (basketball, soccer, running), what is the consequence for this?
You will not be able to play the next recess.
What should you keep to yourself while standing in line?
Hands, feet, and other objects.
How did Ms. Riley get the scar on her neck?
She was electrocuted when she was 1-year-old.
Who can see what you are doing on your Chromebook at all times?
Principals, teachers
When can you go to your locker?
Before class, after walk to read or moving with math, and at the end of the day?
When walking out of the building to the playground, where should you stop and wait for a teacher?
All the way to the end of the building.
If you have to tie your shoe while in line, what should you do?
Step out of the line to tie your shoe.
What is the ONE thing Ms. Riley does not like to do?
Repeat herself!