Classification of Matter
Sedimentary Rocks
and Fossil Fuels
Force and Energy
Electricity and Light
A student use a keyboard to play music. Which of these objects use the same source of energy as the keyboard? A) A flute using sound energy B) A piano using mechanical energy C) A headphones using electrical energy D) A teapot using thermal energy
A headphone using electrical energy
Which of the following is the best conductor of thermal and electrical energy? A. Metal B. Plastic C. Glass D. Cotton
The rock in the Grand Canyon Park is formed from layers of sand, minerals and shells. Which type of rock is present there? A. Igneous Rocks B. Sedimentary Rocks C. Metamorphic Rocks D. Lava
The thing in an investigation that is changed by the investigator is called the _____________.
Seeing yourself in a mirror or on a shiny surface is called _____________.
What tool is used to measure volume? and what is the unit of measurement?
graduated cylinder and milliliters
What is the best tool to separate grains of salt from grains of pepper? Why? A. Tweezers B. Magnet C. Water D. Strainer
Water because the salt will dissolve and the pepper will float.
What is needed for fossils to turn into fossil fuels and sediment to turn to rock?
Heat and pressure
If a student was testing whether the size of a crater depends on the height at which a marble is dropped, which of the following would be considered a fair test? A. Drop the same marble from different heights. B. Drop marbles of different masses from the same height. C. Drop marbles of different sizes from different heights.
Drop the same marble from different heights.
A person's body looking distorted underwater, a prism, and concave/convex lenses all have what in common?
They refract light.
What are the 4 changing states of matter? And describe each.
Melting Freezing Evaporation Condensation
What is the Melting Point of water? Boiling Point? Freezing Point?
0, 100, 0
Coal, Natural Gas and Oil are fossil fuels. Coal originated from___________________ and Natural gas and oil originated from_______________.
a. plants b. animals
If a lamp that is plugged into the wall is melting a candle, what forms of energies are being used?
Electrical and thermal
A burned out wire, two negative sides of a battery in a circuit touching , and a cut wire are all examples of a complete circuit. True or False. Why?
False because the electric current would not be able to flow through.
A material that has a definite volume but no definite shape is called _________________.
Why do some items or substances float on water or other substances?
They are less dense than water or the other substances.
The most important factor in the formation of sedimentary rock is A) volcanic eruptions B) scorching sun C) moving water D) earthquakes
moving water
Name the energies in order based on the examples given. A. Speakers and headphones B. Wind or dam turbines and rolling balls C. Campfire and an iron D. Lamp and glow sticks D. DVD player and Wii
Sound, Mechanical, Thermal, Light, Electricity
Electric current can only flow in a ___________ __________ and light travels _____________ until it hits a surface or enters another medium.
Complete circuit, Straight
What is difference between a solvent and a solute? Name an example.
Solvent is the substance that is doing the dissolving (Water). Solute is the substance that is dissolving (sugar).
What will happen to the following substances if they are placed in hot water? A. Sugar cubes B. Salt C. Cooking oil D. Carrots E. Butter
Sugar-Dissolves, Salt-Dissolves, Cooking oil-Floats, Carrots-Stay the same, Butter-Melts and floats
Name all of the steps in the creation of sedimentary rocks with a description of each step.
1. Weathering - breaking down of rock 2. Erosion- movement 3. Deposition - Settling down 4. Compaction - pressure 5. Cementation - glue
If a student is using a spring scale to pull a block the same distance on carpet, sandpaper and glass, what is the student most likely investigating?
How do different surfaces affect the amount of force needed to move a block?
_____________ is the brightest color on Earth because it reflects the most light.