Nature of Science
Force and Motion

What is an educated guess predicting the answer to a scientific question?

a) experiment

b) hypothesis

c) control

d) variable

B) hypothesis

What are the observable qualities and measurements that make up a substance?

a) chemical changes

b) state of matter

c) physical properties

d) temperature

c) physical properties


What type of energy is stored in food, batteries, and fuel?

a) chemical

b) mechanical

c) electrical

d) sound

a) chemical


What travels through the wire in a closed circuit to create electricity?

a) lightning

b) protons

c) neutrons

d) electrons

d) electrons


What force brings objects toward the ground on Earth?



What is the term for the one group that you keep the same (do not change) to compare your results in an experiment to?

a) hypothesis

b) variable

c) control

d) data

C) control


What are the freezing and boiling points of water (in celsius)?

0 degrees C- freezing

100 degrees C- boiling


You make breakfast using the toaster. How did the energy transfer when using the appliance?

a) from thermal to electrical

b) from thermal to sound

c) from chemical to sound

d) from electrical to thermal

d) from electrical to thermal


Which of the following is not a good conductor?

a) copper penny

b) steel wool

c) metal paperclip

d) plastic spoon

d) plastic spoon


True or False: The greater the force, the greater the change in motion will be.



A homemade volcano is an example of ...

a) an experiment

b) repeated observation

c) a model

d) a science fair project

c) a model


List the 3 ways to speed up the dissolving rate of a substance.

1. Stirring

2. Adding heat

3. Breaking into smaller pieces (more surface area)


When energy is stored in an object based on it's position, this is called...

a) kinetic

b) potential

c) chemical

d) sound

b) potential

True or False: An open circuit will allow electrons to flow to turn on a light bulb.

False, the circuit must be CLOSED.


Opposite poles of a magnet (North and South) will...

a) attract

b) repel

c) spin around

d) do nothing

a) attract


Which of the following decisions could best be made using a scientific method?

a) what games will be the most fun to play at recess

b) which fertilizer is the most effective to use in your garden

c) which book do you prefer to read

d) how does a volcano erupt

B) which fertilizer is the most effective to use in your garden

Which is NOT a chemical change?

a) water boiling on the stove

b) leaves changing color in fall

c) rust forming on steel wool

d) baking a cake in the oven

a) water boiling on the stove

(it just changes state from liquid to gas, nothing new is created)


Describe how the energy of a fan that is plugged into a wall works.

Energy transfers from ________ to _________ and __________.

Energy transfers from electrical to mechanical and sound.


True or False: If one light does not work in a series circuit, all other lights will not work.

True, there is only one path.


The force that resists (goes against) motion is...

a) gravity

b) friction

c) speed

d) position

b) friction


Paul closely examined a model of a human heart with all the parts of a heart. It did not show how blood moves in the heart or the body. What did Paul learn from examining the model?

a) how blood circulates through the body

b) how the heart connects to the lungs

c) the parts of the heart

d) what a real heart feels like

c) the parts of the heart


Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

a) water freezing

b) breaking a vase

c) cracking an egg

d) water and vinegar combining to form carbon dioxide

d) water and vinegar combining to form carbon dioxide


Sound energy travels through vibrations. When vibrations are more frequent, the sound is...

a) louder

b) softer

c) a higher pitch

d) a lower pitch

c) a higher pitch

You create a circuit with a light bulb, wires, and a switch. Will the circuit work? Why or why not?

No, it does not have a power source (battery)


You and a friend play tug of war. You pull to the left with a force of 20 newtons. Your friend pulls to the right with a force of 32 newtons. What direction will win? By how many newtons?

The friend to the right will win with a force of 20 newtons.
