Cells and Traits
Classification of Organisms and Microorganisms
Physical and Chemical Changes
Landforms and Human Interventions
Electricity and Magnetism

Plant cells need different structures than animal cells because only plants __________. 

Make their own food

Which of the following characteristics is used when determining whether to place an animal in the vertebrate group or the invertebrate group? 

A. Ability to walk on two legs

B. Presence of a spinal cord

C. Method of respiration

D. Flow of blood through body

B. Presence of a spinal cord


Two clear substances are combined inside a plastic bag. The plastic bag is tightly sealed.

What observation would indicate that mixing the chemical produced a new substance?

A. The substance in the bag becomes warm.

B. The bag is transparent.

C. The substances are clear.

D. The bag can hold a liquid.

A. The substance in the bag becomes warm.


Humans are trying to reverse the effects of erosion of the Georgia coastline when they do

which of the following?

A.Regulate fishing

B.Add sand to beaches

C.Clean up litter

D.Limit visitors to parks

B.Add sand to beaches


Which of the following correctly describes one way in which static electricity is different from the electricity used by humans to run things in their homes? 

A. Static electricity is a quick release of energy.

B. Static electricity requires magnets and coils of wire.

C. Static electricity flows at a constant rate.

D. Static electricity always goes in the same direction. 

A. Static electricity is a quick release of energy.


Cells require a structure that regulates the transfer of material in and out of the cell. This structure, found in both plant and animal cells, is called the __________. 

Cell Membrane

Which observation supports the claim that microorganisms are helpful to ecosystems? 

A. Microorganisms are too small to be seen without special equipment.

B. Like all living things, microorganisms need water and energy.

C. Millions of microorganisms can often be found in soil.

D. Microorganisms break down dead plants and animals, making nutrients


D. Microorganisms break down dead plants and animals, making nutrients


A liquid and a solid are combined to form a mixture. Which procedure would most likely produce evidence that a chemical change occurs? 

A. Observe the color both of the liquid and the solid before mixing.

B. Measure the volume of the mixture after the components were combined.

C. Determine the time it took for the liquids to combine completely.

D. Record the temperature of the substances before and after mixing

D. Record the temperature of the substances before and after mixing


Humans build levees in order to serve what function?

A.To raise the water level of the ocean

B.To keep a river from overflowing

C.To store water for farming

D.To make water clean for drinking 

B.To keep a river from overflowing


Students construct a simple circuit and place an item in the path. All of the following materials will conduct electricity EXCEPT __________. 

A. steel

B. rubber

C. copper

D. aluminum 

B. rubber


Which of the following is a characteristic of most cells?

Most cells __________.

A. make their own food through photosynthesis

B. are too small to be seen without magnification

C. need to eat other cells to survive

D. are cubic and stack on each other like blocks 

B. are too small to be seen without magnification

How do non-seed producing plants reproduce? 
With spores such as on ferns or mushrooms

Which of the following describes using a physical change to separate a mixture?

A. Heating water to be able to dissolve more sugar in it

B. Adding vinegar to baking soda to produce bubbles from a gas

C. Melting a chocolate bar with almonds to remove the almonds

D. Burning wood to produce thermal energy to cook food 

C. Melting a chocolate bar with almonds to remove the almonds


Over many years, the depth of a lake gets more shallow.

What could cause this change?

A. The climate in the area gets warmer.

B. Sediments are deposited in the lake.

C. The Sun evaporates the water.

D. A hurricane brings heavy rains. 

B. Sediments are deposited in the lake.


Electricity will flow in an electric circuit only if the circuit __________.

A. has several batteries

B. makes a complete path

C. produces light energy

D. has the right kind of insulators 

B. makes a complete path


A student sees a turtle laying its eggs on the beach. Which of the following is an example of a question the student could ask to decide whether this is a learned behavior or an instinct? 

A. How long does it take for turtles of this type to lay their eggs on the beach?

B. Does the turtle have to see other turtles laying eggs on the beach to know how to do that? 

C. Do other types of turtles also lay their eggs on the same beach at the same time?

D. After laying the eggs, does the turtle remain on the beach to care for the newly

hatched turtles? 

B. Does the turtle have to see other turtles laying eggs on the beach to know how to do that?


Which of the following questions could we ask to distinguish a mammal, such a spider monkey, from a reptile, such as a crocodile? 

A. Does the animal lay eggs to reproduce?

B. Does the animal have four limbs?

C. Does the animal consume food for energy?

D. Does the animal have a backbone?

A. Does the animal lay eggs to reproduce?


Two items are combined inside a balloon. The balloon is tied shut. What observation would indicate that mixing the chemical produced a gas?

A. The balloon can hold a liquid.

B. The balloon increases in volume.

C. The balloon becomes cold.

D. The balloon was tied shut. 

B. The balloon increases in volume.


A student argues that a destructive force can change the surface of Earth. Which of the following could be used to support this claim? 

A. A new island forms in the middle of an ocean.

B. A plain becomes a deep canyon with steep walls.

C. A sand dune shifts from one location to another.

D. A mountain grows taller over a thousand years. 

B. A plain becomes a deep canyon with steep walls.


Students attached both ends of a long wire to the poles of a battery and wound the wire around a spoon. 

They found that the spoon will now pick up small objects made of iron. This is because the

flow of electricity is able to produce -

A. thermal energy.

B. a magnetic field.

C. light energy.

D. a sound wave.

B. a magnetic field.


A group of students watches sea lions on some rocks. They hear the sea lions barking loudly. Which of the following is the best question to ask to help them figure out if barking is an instinct or a learned behavior? 

A. Does the sea lions’ barking help them find more food?

B. Do baby sea lions bark from the time they are born?

C. Do other kinds of ocean animals make a similar sound?

D. Does the barking mean there is a predator nearby? 

B. Do baby sea lions bark from the time they are born?


Scientists discover a microorganism that lives on corn plants. They would like to know whether this microorganism is harmful to the corn plant. What kinds of data would be most helpful to collect for this investigation? 

A. The amount of corn produced in cornfields where this microorganism is present, and the amount produced in cornfields where it is absent 

B. The average lifespan of this microorganism and how it changes in different conditions 

C. The kinds of chemicals that must be present in the environment for this microorganism to live 

D. The way in which this microorganism reproduces and ways to prevent it from producing offspring

A. The amount of corn produced in cornfields where this microorganism is present, and the amount produced in cornfields where it is absent


In which of the following actions does a physical change occur to separate a mixture?

A. Stirring chocolate syrup into milk

B. Evaporating water from salt water

C. Freezing a solution of water and sugar

D. Adding sand to a beaker of water 

B. Evaporating water from salt water


A seawall constructed along a length of oceanfront property can assist a coastal city by -

A.keeping water temperatures down.

B.providing a road for cars.

C.preventing animals from migrating.

D.slowing erosion of beach sand.

D.slowing erosion of beach sand.


Bar magnets are different from electromagnets because bar magnets -

A. maintain a magnetic field at all times.

B. require electricity to produce a magnetic field.  

C. produce a magnetic field only when pointed north.

D. stop being magnetic near other magnets.

A. maintain a magnetic field at all times.
