Earth & Changes Over Time
Dynamics of Classifications
Cells & Microorganisms
Electricity & Magnetism
Physical & Chemical Changes
(Free Response)

What is the crust? 

A.) outer layer of Earth made of solid rock and soil

B.) A part of a cell that directs all cell activities and carries information for cell reproduction (both plant and animal)

C.) Tiny part of cell that contains information about its inherited traits

Outer layer of Earth made of solid rock and soil


What is a mammal? 

A.) A vertebrate that has feathers, lays eggs, breathes with lungs.

B.) A vertebrate that has fur, feed milk to its young, gives live birth, breathes with lungs.

C.) two or more separate paths that allow the electric current to travel along.

A vertebrate that has fur, feed milk to its young, gives live birth, breathes with lungs.


What is the smallest unit of life? 

A.) An atom

B.) A cell

C.) Fungi

A cell


What is static Electricity? 

A.) the buildup of positive or negative electrical charges on an object.

B.) a state of matter that has no definite shape but has a definite volume.

C.) the continuous flow of electrons through a circuit.

the buildup of positive or negative electrical charges on an object.


What is a physical change? 

The appearance or form of matter changes but the kind of matter in the substance stays the same. 


What is Erosion? 

A.) A vertebrate that has fur, feed milk to its young, gives live birth, breathes with lungs

B.) The removal of pieces of soil or rock from a place on Earth's surface to another by mechanisms including gravity, wind,water,ice, or plants and animals.

C.) Soil (sediment) that has traveled down the river and been deposited at the mouth of a river.

The removal of pieces of soil or rock from a place on Earth's surface to another by mechanisms including gravity, wind,water,ice, or plants and animals.


Which is a primary consumer? 

A.) Lion

B.) Deer

C.) Grass



What is the Cell Membrane? 

A.) A state of matter that has no definite shape but has a definite volume.

B.) the outer covering of the cell that controls what goes in and out of the cell (food, water, waste).

C.) the power house of the cell.

the outer covering of the cell that controls what goes in and out of the cell (food, water, waste).


What is an Electric Current? 

A.) a continuous flow of electrons.

B.) Large deposits of sand dropped when the wind stopped blowing. The location of one can shift frequently.

c.) a wind turbine used to create power

a continuous flow of electrons.


What is a chemical change? 

A process by which one or more substances are changed into another through chemical means.


What is Pangea?

A.) The name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today's continents

B.) Any earth material that has been moved from one place to another and layed down on the surface of Earth; includes materials moved by gravity, wind, water, or ice.

C.) A large, slow-moving sheet of ice that scrapes and carves away at the land surface. They can change landforms and create lakes in their path.

The name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today's continents


What is a producer? 

A.) Organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms. 

B.) Organisms that make their own food.

C.) organisms, manly animals, which eat primary consumers. 

Organisms that make their own food.


What is the Nucleus? 

A.) organelles that store water, food and waster (both plant and animal).

B.) A part of a cell that directs all cell activities and carries information for cell reproduction (both plant and animal).

C.) the path electrons follow as they flow.

A part of a cell that directs all cell activities and carries information for cell reproduction (both plant and animal).


Which staement is correct? 

A.) An insulator allows electricity to flow easily, while a conductor prevents electricity from flowing? 

B.) A conductor is a magnet, while an insulator is the power source.

C.) An insulator prevents electricity from flowing, while a conductor allows electricity to flow easily.

An insulator prevents electricity from flowing, while a conductor allows electricity to flow easily.


Is this a physical or chemical change? 

*Separating a bag of chex mix. 

Physical Change


What is the Earth's Mantle? 

A.) tiny particles that move around the nucleus of an atom; an electron has a negative charge.

B.) the outer covering of the cell that controls what goes in and out of the cell (food, water, waste)

C.) Earth's thickest layer made of hot rock and makes up 2/3 of the earth's mass; convection takes place here below the lithosphere.

Earth's thickest layer made of hot rock and makes up 2/3 of the earth's mass; convection takes place here below the lithosphere.


What is a vertebrae? (Free Response) 

Organisms that have a backbone (spine).


What are Microorganisms?

A.) Muliticellular organisms that perform specific purposes.

B.) Singled cell organisms are so small you can only see with a microscope.

C.) Organelles in the cell that perform specific functions.

Singled cell organisms are so small you can only see with a microscope.


What is an electromagnet? 

A.) A natural magnet found in nature.

B.) A magnet that is created using electricity.

C.) A circuit that has multiple paths of electricity to flow. 

A magnet that is created using electricity.


Is this a physical or chemical change? 

* Peroxide spilled on the ground and bubbles started forming. 

Chemical Change


What is a Delta? 

A.) Soil (sediment) that has traveled down the river and been deposited at the mouth of a river.

B.) materials through which electric current does not pass through easily.

C.) the measure of the pull of gravity on an object.

Soil (sediment) that has traveled down the river and been deposited at the mouth of a river.


What are the five classes of vertebrates? 

Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. 


Which Statement is correct? 

A.) Fungi is a microorganism that is deadly to humans. 

B.) Algae is a microorganism that is helpful by producing oxygen. 

C.) Yeast is used in making bread and is harmful for people. 

Algae is a microorganism that is helpful by producing oxygen.


Which statement is correct? 

A.) North poles attract to each other, while South Poles repel each other. 

B.) North and South poles attract to one another because they are opposites.

C.) North and South Poles repel each other because they are opposites. 

North and South poles attract to one another because they are opposites.


Is this a physical or chemical change? 

 * Water is boiled. Steam forms. 

Physical Change
