Synonyms and Antonyms
Text Structure
Fact or Opinion/ Guide Me There
Figuratively Speaking

"Tri" is used in the same way as it is used in triangle in all of the following words EXCEPT: 

A. tricycle    B. triathlete    C. trip     D. tripod

C. trip


Which word is a synonym for "amusing?" 

A. entertaining B. boring C. sad D. amazing

A. entertaining


John Smith was born in 1920. He taught himself to read and write. He was married in 1940. He became a respected citizen who worked to help people. He then died an untimely death in 1955. The text structure of this passage is: 

A. Cause/Effect           B. Sequential Order 

C. Compare/Contrast   D. Problem/Solution

B. Sequential Order


Fact or Opinion? Smith Elementary School is located on Woodland Road in Hampton Virginia, named after Captain John Smith.



Which one contains figurative language: 

A. The sun is like a yellow ball of fire in the sky. 

B. The sun provides heat to the Earth.

A. The sun is like a yellow ball of fire in the sky.


The word with a word part that means full of is:

 A. pretty B. beautiful C. friendly D. autograph

B. beautiful


Which word is an antonym for flawless? 

A. mistaken B. beautiful C. perfect D. damaged

D. damaged


The night sky is dark and sprinkled with bright white stars. The full moon casts light across the beach. The waves are crashing gently, playing a beautiful melody. The text structure of this passage is: 

A. Cause/Effect          B. Sequential Order 

C. Compare/Contrast D. Description

D. Description


Fact or Opinion? Captain John Smith was a brave leader in the New World.



Which one contains figurative language: 

A. Johnny's mouth is one huge metal factory. 

B. Johnny just got braces.

A. Johnny's mouth is one huge metal factory.


Which word has a prefix and suffix?

A. unfriendly B. protect C. misunderstand D. written

A. unfriendly


Mary took her DUTY of raising the flag each morning very seriously. What is the meaning of the word DUTY? 

A. classwork    B. hobby     C. craft     D. job

D. job


The Kid Troopers did not have enough money to purchase the materials needed for their new club house. They held a meeting and brainstormed ideas to raise the needed funds. They decided to have a lemonade stand. They set up the stand and raised over $500 to spend on their new clubhouse. The text structure of this passage is: 

A. Problem/Solution       B. Sequential Order 

C. Compare/Contrast     D. Description

A. Problem and Solution


George Washington was an amazing leader and first president of America.



Which sentence uses figurative language? 

A. I am afraid of the dark and of spiders. 

B. Life is one scary roller coaster.

B. Life is one scary roller coaster.


If you add the prefix "non" to the word "profit," you form a word that means: 

A. making a lot of money B. working hard 

C. without making money D. very special

C. without making money


The OBEDIENT child earned citizen of the month every year for always following directions and showing respect. What is the antonym of OBEDIENT? A. well behaved B. smart C. pretty D. unruly

D. unruly


Plan for rain when you are preparing for a camping trip. Rain can dampen your plans, your clothes, and your sleeping bag if you didn’t pack a waterproof tarp to cover it with. If your gear is soaked,you’ll likely need to pack up and head home. The text structure of this passage is: 

A. Compare/Contrast       B. Sequential Order 

C. Cause/Effect               D. Description

C. Cause and Effect


The word "audience" would appear between which set of guide words: 

A. available ----Aztec         B. audible --- available 

C. actor ------advance

B. audible --- available


Which sentence uses figurative language? 

A. I am feeling really nervous. 

B. I have butterflies in my stomach.

B. I have butterflies in my stomach.


Name three words that use the prefix "mis."

Answers may vary: misunderstanding mistake misspelled mislead mistreat misdiagnose


Which two words are antonyms for "ordinary?" One of Mike's cars is very rare, while the other is ORDINARY. 

plain    special   easy   popular  common  interesting

special interesting


Apples and oranges are both types of fruit with skins that come from trees. The skin on an apple, however is much thinner. Apples are crunchy, while oranges are juicier and softer on the inside, with a thick skin. The text structure of this passage is: 

A. Problem/Solution        B. Sequential Order 

C. Compare/Contrast      D. Description

C. Compare and Contrast


The word Jeopardy would be found on a page of with which guide words listed below: 

A. jeep --jealous  B. jeans ---jester   C. jealous--jello

B. jeans----jester


Which sentence uses the same type of figurative language as the sentence below: "Allie ate apples all day long." 

A. Billy bought a lot of candy at the store.

B. The train coughed and choked as it went up the hill. 

C. Big brown bears bought big books. 

D. Jack is as hungry as a horse.

C. Big brown bears bought big books.
