Describe how President Washington organized the Executive branch around the Cabinet
What is: Head of the departments became head of the cabinet
58. Describe the causes and effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830:
What is AKA Trail of Tears; 1000s of Indians died; Indians were forced to move away from their homeland
71. Identify significant individuals, including Stephen F. Austin, Santa Anna, and Sam Houston
What is • Stephen F. Austin – Took control of the project to settle people from US and Texas • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna – Led army from Mexico City to Texas determined to defeat the Texas rebels • Jaun Seguin – also died defending the Alamo • Susana Dickenson – husband died in battle of the Alamo; she nursed wounded soldiers • Sam Houston - leader of the Texas army; decided to attack the Mexican army near the San Jacinto River; Before the battle, Houston encouraged the Texans “some of us may be killed ….but soldiers, remember the Alamo! The Alamo! The Alamo! Victory is certain!” • William Travis – led the Texans • Lorenzo de Zavala – one of Tejanos who had fought for Texas • James K. Polk – supported manifest destiny and annexing Texas; was elected president 1844
78. Identify the role that slavery played in the South in the mid-1800s:
What is • Depended on slavery to run plantations • Profitable to economy • 6 out of 10 slaves worked in the cotton field • lived on smaller farms
• Identify the resources and advantages of the North and the South:
What is • North – factories produced 90% of countries weapons, clothes, shoes and iron; could move soldiers and supplies fast due to railroads and canals; union raised more money than the south• South – more trained and prepared soldiers; more experienced military; more familiar with weapons
define inauguration
What is ceremony in which a newly elected presidents swears loyalty to the constitution and takes office
59. Describe the Trail of Tears
What is John Burnett – saw helpless Cherokees; arrested and dragged from their homes…loaded like cattle or sheep into 645 wagons and started toward west; by 1839 the Trail of Tears had ended; of the 15000 Cherokee who began the journey, ¼ did not survive
72. Evaluate the reasons why US settlers in Texas wanted independence from Mexico:
What is Mexico slavery was illegal
51. Explain how political parties emerged in the American government system:
What is Hamilton and Jefferson had a large following among Americans and eventually the 2 sides organized themselves into political parties
60. Explain how the Industrial Revolution changed the way goods were made:
What is Mass production of goods; made slaves need more than ever; 61. Technology: way people use new ideas to make tools that improve peoples lives.
73. Describe the Texas Revolution
What is had begun in December 1835; Mexican president general (Santa Anna) led an army from Mexico City toTexas; he was determined to defeat the rebels; as the fighting continued the Texas leaders met to declare independence; formed the Republic of Texas March 2, 1836
79. Identify ways African Americans resisted slavery
What is break tools, pretend to be sick and run away
88. Explain how new military technology affected the way the war was fought:
What is more casualties/fatalities
52. Describe the Louisiana Purchase and tell what effect it had on the nation
What is In 1803 it was complete; Nation doubled it size adding 828,00 miles; James Monroe bought it from Napolean for $2 million
62. Describe how new inventions led to increased production of both manufactured and farm goods, including the cotton gin:
What is • Mechanical Reaper – before 1830 farm workers harvested wheat by swinging a long blade. In 1830 Cyrus McCormick developed a horse drawn mechanical reaper. • Cotton Gin – machine could clean out 50 times more cotton daily • Steam powered boat “Clermont”– made travel by river much faster • Steam Powered Locomotive – wasn’t faster than a horse but soon pulled many more goods than horses
74. Annex:
What is : to add or attach
80. Explain how the Underground Railroad was used to free enslaved people:
What is they had conductors that got the slaves out of the plantation; they rested slaves in safe houses; get to northern states or Mexico depending on where they started and that is where they were free
escribe the Emancipation Proclamation and analyze its effect on African Americans:
What is Statement that freed all slaves in confederate states at war with the union
53. Identify reasons for and findings of the Lewis and Clark expedition
What is Long before the Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson was fascinated with the lands in the west; Could the Missouri River possible lead water route to the Pacific Ocean; Jefferson wanted the answers; Jefferson sent an expedition to the newly acquired land Louisiana territory; Mary Wether Lewis – army captain led the expedition; Chose his friend –fellow army captain William Clark to share command; Jefferson told 2 captains they had 3 goals 1 – search for water route to Pacific Ocean, 2 – Establish relationships with the Native Americans that they met, 3 – pay close attention “to the soil and face of the country”, its plants, animals, minerals and climates keeping a record of their findings; these journals are the main source of info about their expedition; May 1804 Lewis and Clark and other members of their expedition set out westward from St. Louis MO; Along MO river, expedition included soldiers, riverboat men, hunters and york; Clark slave and childhood friend York was at his side most of the time, he showed he was ready to sacrifice his life for Clark’s; nevertheless, when York asked to be freed due to his contributions on the expedition Clark refused
63. Identify ways in which transportation changed in the US in the early and middle 1800s:
What is • Steam powered boat “Clermont”– made travel by river much faster • Steam Powered Locomotive – wasn’t faster than a horse but soon pulled many more goods than horses
75. Define and describe manifest destiny
What is belief that the United States should expand west to the Pacific Ocean
81. Describe the causes and effects of the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850:
What is • Missouri Compromise– 1820 Missouri admitted as a slave state; Main was admitted as a free state; now 24 states evenly balanced between free and slave states • Compromise of 1850 – California became a free state and the fugitive slave law was passed
91. Describe the events of the Battle of Gettysburg: DAILY DOUBLE 90. Describe early battles in the Civil War:
What is • Battle of Bull Run – first major battle of civil war; most troops on both side were new to war; confederate victory • Battle of Antietam – confederacy led by Robert E. Lee; Victory for the Union; after Antietam Britain ended support for the southerners • Battle of Bull Run – first major battle of civil war; most troops on both side were new to war; confederate victory • Battle of Antietam – confederacy led by Robert E. Lee; Victory for the Union; after Antietam Britain ended support for the southerners