Central Idea
Making Inferences
Mixed Bag
Making Connections

The central idea of a passage tells the reader - 

** No answer choices, finish the sentence on your own**

What is "what the passage is mainly about"?


When an inference is made in a passage, what is the reader doing?

What is "making a connection or drawing a conclusion about information not actually said in the text"?

**Teacher discretion for answers given**


Which of the following lines is an example of a metaphor?

A. The computers at school were old dinosaurs

B. The sun was as bright as a lightbulb. 

C. I like to play at school. 

D. The school is old and creaky. 

What is A. The computers at school were old dinosaurs?


How is the central idea of "The Cholla Cactus" similar to the central idea of "The Cactus Wren"?

What is both passages are about animals finding shelter within the cactus?

**Teacher discretion on answer**


What does the word species mean in paragraph 2?

A. a class of individuals

B. a type of plant

C. something that grows in the desert

D. a type of sheep

What is A. a class of individuals?


The details in paragraph 2 & 3 support the idea that - 

A. The bighorn sheep uses its horns to get water from the cactus

B. Chollas have stems that are similar in size to tree branches

C. cholla stems store rainwater

D. many animals use the cholla cactus to get water for survival

What is D. many animals use the cholla cactus to get water for survival?


22. Why does the cactus wren "like thorns in all directions"?

What is G. They help keep intruders away


21. What do the subheadings in the article help the reader to understand?

What is C. The cholla can be used for different purposes?


29. According to the article and poem, a cactus wren lives in a cholla cactus in order to - 

What is D. be protected from other animals?


24. Look at the dictionary entry for the word "entrance". 

1. permission to come in; 2. the act of coming in; 3. the location or point for coming in; 4. the first appearance of an actor in a scene. 

Which definition best fits the way entrance is used in line 25?

What is H. Definition 3?


The poem "Cactus Wren" is mostly about - 

A. How a bird describes its home

B. Why the wren lives in a cactus

C. What kinds of animals live in the cactus

D. Where the cactus can be found 

What is A. How a bird describes its home?


23. In lines 1-13, the poet contrasts the wren's behavior with that of the other desert animals to show that the wren - 

What is A. feels comfortable in the heat of the desert. 


The author most likely includes the lines 10-13 to help the reader - 

A. understand how the bird spends it time

B. recognize the repetition of the birds activity

C. visualize the bird on top of the cactus

D. realize the bird doesn't really like singing

What is B. recognize the repetition of the birds activity?


31. Which idea do both the article and the poem support?

What is A. animals adapt to their environment?


Which words from the paragraph 7 help the reader understand what the word scorching means?

A. food and water

B. seek shelter

C. pieces of a cholla

D. maintain body heat

What is B. seek shelter?


19. According to the article, rainwater is stored in the cholla cactus's - 

What is D. stems


25. The photograph below the title represents which part of the poem?

What is B. lines 8-13?

What is the most likely reason the author included the picture titled "A cholla Teddy Bear Cactus"?

A. To show the reader how scary the cactus can be

B. To help the reader visualize what the cactus looks like

C. So the reader can see how large the cactus can grow

D. So the reader can better recognize the cactus in the future

What is B. To help the reader visualize what the cactus looks like?


28. Which sentence best describes a difference between the article and the poem?

What is F. The article consists of factual information, while the poem allows for a deeper understanding of an animal's experience?


26. The poet uses the word "stickery" in line 21 to help the readers understand - 

What is J. why most animals would not want to touch the cactus?


18. What is the section titled "A Prickly Feast" mostly about?

What is H. People and animals eat parts of the cholla cactus?


27. This poem is written from the point of view of a - 

What is C. mother bird?


20. The author included the information in paragraph 1 to help the reader - 

What is F. Visualize a hot desert region?


30. Which sentence from the article best expresses the cactus wren's experience in the poem?

What is J. The cholla cactus not only survives in the desert but also helps animals live comfortably in this extreme environment?


The prefix un in teh word uninhabitable helps the reader to understand the word means - 

A. A place you can live

B. Not accepted in public

C. Not a place one can survive

D. A comfortable place to hang out

What is C. Not a place one can survive?
