Math 2
Reading 2

What is 0.64 rounded to the tenths place?



In paragraph 8, the word concessions refers to something that is -

see picture in file folder.

F. created by accident

G. decided without much thought

H. kept in a special area

J. done in order to come to an agreement

J. done in order to come to an agreement


Which of the following explains how water undergoes a change of state in one stage of the water cycle in order to move from the ocean’s surface into the air? 

F Liquid water that is heated by the sun becomes a gas and rises. 

G Gaseous water rises as it is cooled by the ocean. 

H Liquid water that is heated by the sun condenses into rain. 

J Gaseous water collects in drops of fog above the ocean’s surface.

F Liquid water that is heated by the sun becomes a gas and rises.


The length of one edge of a cube is 3 units. What is the volume of this cube in cubic units?



Read the dictionary entry.

dissolve \dǨ˙Ɏz|älv\ verb 1. to melt into a liquid 2. to undo or break apart 3. to fade away 4. to be overcome with emotion

Which definition of the word dissolve is used in line 8?  (see image for line 8)

A. Definition 1 

B. Definition 2 

C. Definition 3 

D. Definition 4  

C. Definition 3


Ms. Jaffey had a total of 428.5 ounces of pretzels to put into 5 bowls for a party. She put an equal number of ounces of pretzels into each bowl. How many ounces of pretzels did Ms. Jaffey put into each bowl?

A. 85.7 oz

B. 97.7 oz

C. 80.0 oz

D. 85.3 oz

A. 85.7 oz


Read this information about the origin of the word verify

See image in file folder. 

This information helps the reader know that verified in paragraph 5 means -

A. proved

B. compared

C. observed

D. suspected

A. proved


Students fill a cart with books. The cart has a handle on each end. (see cart image)

Which actions will make moving the cart in one direction easiest for the students? 

F Student 1 pulls the cart to the left while Student 2 pulls the cart to the right. 

G Student 1 pulls the cart to the left while Student 2 pushes the cart to the left. 

H Student 1 pushes the cart to the right while Student 2 pushes the cart downward. 

J Student 1 pushes the cart to the right while Student 2 pulls the cart upward.

G Student 1 pulls the cart to the left while Student 2 pushes the cart to the left.


Mr. Nolan paid $36.95 for each adult shirt and $23.95 for each youth shirt he bought. Mr. Nolan bought 2 adult shirts and 5 youth shirts. 

How much money did he spend on these shirts?

A. $167.35

B. $258.65

C. $232.65

D. $193.65

D. $193.65


What are paragraphs 1 and 2 mostly about? 

(see lakota image)

F The Lakota lived on the grassy plains in the western part of the country. 

G The Lakota used pictures in place of a writing system. 

H The Lakota had a special way to keep track of important events. 

J The Lakota measured years from snowfall to snowfall.

H The Lakota had a special way to keep track of important events.


Yvonne is using a coordinate grid for the first time. She wants to find the location of the ordered pair (3, 7) on the grid. Starting at the origin, which movement should Yvonne do first?

F. Move right along the x-axis to 3

G. Move up along th y-axis to 3

H. Move right along the y-axis to 7

J. Move up along the x-axis to 7

F. Move right along the x-axis to 3


Based on the information in paragraph 4, why does the tree trunk appear dark in the thermal image?

F. To make the koala easier to see

G. To show it absorbs heat from the koala

H. To represent its cooler temperature

J. To illustrate the water inside the tree trunk

H. To represent its cooler temperature


The diagram shows the shadow of a tree in a field at noon on a summer day. 

The sun rises at 7:00 A.M. on this day. Which diagram best shows the shadow of the tree at 10:00 A.M. on the same day? 

(Show Sun Diagram)



The combined perimeter of the rectangle and triangle is 63 inches. The model shows the dimensions of the rectangle. 

See picture in file folder. 

What is the perimeter in inches of the triangle?

F. 27 in.

G. 45 in.

H. 9 in.

J. 21 in. 

F. 27 in. 


The purpose of the dialogue in lines 3 through 7 is to — 

A introduce the main characters 

B provide background on the main characters 

C present the main conflict 

D foreshadow the resolution of the main conflict

B provide background on the main characters


Four students are traveling to a math contest. The table shows the weights of the four students' suitcases. 

See picture in file folder.

In what position would Juan's suitcase be if the weights of the suitcases in pounds were ordered from greatest to least?

F. First

G. Second

H. Third

J. Fourth

H. Third


Which idea from the selection is illustrated by the photograph?

F. Bottom-dwelling fish in Shark Bay may be hard for dolphins to find. 

G. Researchers think dolphins are more intelligent than many other animals. 

H. Dolphins use their rostrums to help them locate food in the ocean. 

J. Shark Bay dolphins fit sponges over their rostrums before searching for fish.

J. Shark Bay dolphins fit sponges over their rostrums before searching for fish.


Unlike humans, otters have special flaps that close off their nostrils and ears. These flaps help otters survive in an environment that is — 

A terrestrial 

B snowy 

C windy 

D aquatic

D aquatic


Tommy bought 3 cups of blueberries. He will eat 1/2 cup of blueberries each day. How many days can Tommy eat the blueberries before they are all gone?

F. 6

G. 2

H. 5

J. 4

F. 6


Read the lines below. 

SUNNY: Give me an L-E-D! Give me a Z-E-P-P-E-L-I-N! What does that spell— (line 29) 

SUNNY: Give me a G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E! What does that spell? (line 37)

What do these lines reveal about Sunny? 

A She believes it is important to spell difficult words. 

B She depends on her family to help her practice. 

C She spells certain words as a way of annoying her brother. 

D She knows that she is a better speller than her brother.  

C She spells certain words as a way of annoying her brother.


Which inequality is NOT true?

A. 65.7 < 67.54

B. 4.003 > 4.03

C. 26.4 < 26.48

D. 0.91 > 0.097

B. 4.003 > 4.03


Lines 1 through 4 reveal that the speaker -

(see poem image)

F. has planned for a variety of activities 

G. prefers to participate in indoor activities 

H. thinks that rain will ruin the trip 

J. is unable to bring along all that is needed for the trip

F. has planned for a variety of activities


A wooded habitat changes as a new road is built. 

(show woods image)

How will building this road most likely affect this habitat?

A Soil erosion will decrease. 

B Precipitation will increase. 

C Animal populations will decrease. 

D Plant reproduction will increase.  

C Animal populations will decrease.


Cheyenne works 15 hours a week at the movie theater. She earns $8 an hour. Which statement about her weekly income is true?

F. Her net income is more than $120.

G. Her gross income is less than $120.

H. Her net income is less than $120.

J. Her gross income is more than $120. 

H. Her net income is less than $120. 


The poet includes the punctuation at the end of line 13 most likely to emphasize —

(see poem image)

A an important moment during the trip 

B that there was an unexpected delay in the trip 

C where the speaker stopped to rest during the trip 

D that the speaker has a new travel plan for the trip

A an important moment during the trip
