What family is famous for their PitSpit?

A. Jonas Brothers

B. Krause Family

C. Clauser Family

D. Moody Family

b. Krause Family


What type of literature is Cherry Very?

A. Short Story

B. Fantasy

C. Poetry

D. Novel

C. Poetry


What are the TWO pieces we are comparing called?

A. Post Malone V.S. BTS

B. Pucker Up V.S. Cherry Very

C. An All Star Inspiration V.S. Pucker Up

D. TikTok V.S. Instagram

B. Pucker Up V.S. Cherry Very


Read and then read the dictionary entry: Frank’s cousin has a bird that talks; And Ricky raises rats.
raise verb 

1. to lift 

2. to improve 

3. to act as a parent 

4. to cause
Which meaning of the word raise is used?



Many Americans like to eat Chinese food.  They really look forward to the end of the meal when the fortune cookies are served.  These folded-up cookies have messages in them.  Some messages tell what the future will bring.  Other messages give advice.  Still others are just wise sayings.  All the messages are written for Americans.  Fortune cookies are never served in China.  This story suggests that:

A. the messages are in Chinese

B. people in China can't read

C. fortune cookies are an American custom

D. people in China don't like cookies

C. fortune cookies are an American custom

According to the article, the annual event began when

A. a local family wanted to prove they could win an award

B. neighbors gathered at a local fruit farm

C. people came to the town to seek employment

D. a frost ruined a crop of cheeries at a local fruit farm

B. Neighbors gathered at a local fruit farm 


The reader can tell that the speaker is experienced at spitting cherry pits because she ___

A. reveals that there is a bowl of cherries in her kitchen

B. identifies the number of times she has practiced over the summer

C. provides several suggestions about the best way to prepare for the activity

D. states that she has a spit pit in her yard

C. provides several suggestions about the best way to prepare for the activity


Which message is express by BOTH the article and poem?

A. it is important to be a polite and kindhearted winner

B. even if you do not succeed right away, you must keep on trying

C. a great talent is often shared by family members

D. some activities can be appreciated simply for the fun of them

D. some activities can be appreciated simply for the fun of them


The emperor scooped up his daughter and hugged her tight.
Read this dictionary entry.
scoop verb 

1. to use a dipper to remove something 

2. to pick up something quickly

3. to make something hollow 

4. to find out something before someone else

Based on the dictionary entry above, which meaning of the word scoop is used in the sentence from the passage?

2. to pick up something quickly


On June 3, 1965, Major Edward White made history with a 6000 mile walk in space.  With his 27 foot umbilical cord, he traveled at speeds of 17,500 miles per hour with little sensation of speed and no sensation of falling.  Without his pressurized suit, Major White’s blood would have boiled, and he would have lost consciousness instantly.  Major White was born in San Antonio, Texas, graduated from West Point, and before becoming an astronaut, he was a test pilot.  An inference drawn from this passage is -

A. Previous training didn't help prepare major White for his space walk.

B. His space suit was of little importance.

C. Speeds in space don't affect a person.

D. Major White was quite tired from his 6,000 mile walk.

C. Speeds in space don't affect a person.


Look at the dictionary entry 

Shot \'shat\ noun

1.a throw in an effort to score points in a game. 2.a small amount applied at once. 3.an effective remark. 4.a try or attempt

Which definition best matches the way the word shot is used in paragraph 8?

Definition 4


What is one important effect of the rhyme scheme of the poem?

A. it focuses the reader on the most important word in the poem

B. it helps the reader visualize the problem the speaker experiences

C. it creates a rhythm that emphasizes the quick actions in the poem

D. it helps explain what spitting a cherry pit sounds like

C. it creates a rhythm that emphasizes the quick actions in the poem


What is one main DIFFERENCE between the event the author describes in the article and the event the speaker describes in the poem? 

A. the setting

b. the type of cherry pit used

c. the excitement people feel

D. the rules that are followed

A. the setting


Read this sentence from the story: Morning Flower opened her bag and pulled out a handful of porcupine quills and a small piece of buffalo hide.
Which definition for the word piece is used in the sentence

piece \ pés \ n. 

1. a part of something

2. someone’s opinion 

3. a coin 

4. a story or a song

1. a part of something


Inventors record their inventions with the U.S. government.  The inventors hope that someone will buy their bright ideas.  But some inventions are so strange that no one wants them.  The government files show inventions for flying fire escapes.  There are eyeglasses for chickens.  There is even an alarm clock that hits you on the head with a piece of wood.  The reader can infer that the inventions mentioned in the paragraph-

A. do not work

B. were turned down by the government

C. have been used in many places

D. did not make money

D. did not make money


Which sentence best states the main idea of the article? 

A. a truck driver from Chicago was the champion of the pit spit in Eau Claire in 2012

B. the pit spit, which features many eager participants, will be taking place again at the Tree-Mendus Fruit Farm in Eau Claire.

C. although last year's cold weather kept the cherry harvest small, this year the harvest will be ideal for the pit spit.

D. many members of the Krause family will be participating again this year at the pit spit.

B.  the pit spit, which features many eager participants, will be taking place again at the Tree-Mendus Fruit Farm in Eau Claire. 


Which line from the poem best helps the reader understand the meaning of launch?

a. aim for the fence

b. backbone straight

c. one more tip 

d. round your lips

a. aim for the fence


Which of the following describes a difference between the article and the poem?

A. the article provides information about activities that occur before a contest, while the poem describes the results of a contest

B. the article provides details of an event related to spitting cherry pits, while the poem describes the process of spitting cherry pits. 

C. the article focuses mainly on the people who spit cherry pits, while the poem features those who observe the activity. 

D. the article explains how to organize a local competition, while the poem highlights how to get involved in one.

B. the article provides details of an event related to spitting cherry pits, while the poem describes the process of spitting cherry pits.


Read: And my heart began to pound.
Which meaning fits the word pound the way it is used in this line?


1. to hit with a hammer or heavy stick 

2. to crush into a powder 

3. to walk with loud steps 

4. to beat in a heavy way

4. to beat in a heavy way


 Read the sentences below: Dad was suddenly chatty and I knew why.  In the car, I was a captive audience.The author uses these sentences to explain that being in the car -

A. made the narrator feel helpless.

B. gave the narrator's father a chance to talk.

C. made her father become deeply interesting.

D. allowed her father to display his skills.

B. gave the narrator's father a chance to talk.


Based on the information in the article, what can the reader infer about the contest? 

A. some people travel from places outside the city to participate in the event

B. the contestants are required to grow the cherries that are used in the event

C. the contestants need to have participated in a similar event in the past

D. people from the town enjoyed the event only when it was a small neighborhood gathering. 

A. Some people travel from places outside the city to participate in the event.

What is the most likely reason that the poet compares spitting cherry pits to playing baseball?

a. to show that spitting cherry pits is just as much as a team sport as baseball

b. to help the reader relate a well-known activity to an activity that might be unfamiliar.

c. to explain that less time is required for spitting cherry pits than for playing baseball

d. to show the reader that some activities are more interesting than others

b. to help the reader relate a well-known activity to an activity that might be unfamiliar.


Which idea is expressed in BOTH the article and the poem?

A. spitting cherry pits is a difficult activity to plan and organize. 

B. the process of spitting cherry pit is exciting to describe

C. spitting a cherry pit as far as possible can be fun

D. recording the distance a cherry pit traveled is difficult. 

C. spitting a cherry pit as far as possible can be fun


Read the sentence from the passage: Fasten the larger end of the cone tightly to one end of the cardboard roll using tape.
Which definition of fasten is used in the sentence?

fasten \fá-sen\ v. 

1. shut tightly 

2. join two things together

3. hold something firmly 

4. focussteadily

2. join two things together


Read the sentence below:Thanks to my abilities, the rear end of our car had seen trees, telephone poles, and ditches all up close and personal.What can the reader infer?

A.The narrator is not a good driver.

B.The narrator's car has a camera mounted in the back.

C. The car has eyes.

D. I can't think of another wrong answer.  Just don't pick this!

A.The narrator is not a good driver.
