Context Clues
Author's Purpose
A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes. Using the example clue, the word sleuth in this sentence means A.senior citizen C.pilot D.detective
What is D. detective?
Our thoughts are powerful tools. When one dwells on bad thoughts, one is more likely to have a bad day. If one dwells on good things, one stands a better chance of having a good day. What we think upon grows. The things we think about affect us! How can you have a better day? A. Worry about an upcoming test B. Avoid vegetables C. Think about a favorite activity D. Learn to use power tools
What is C. Think about a favorite activity?
The SuperBall, also known as the bouncy ball, was invented in 1965 by Norman Stingley. At the time, Stingley was a chemist living in California. He would take scraps of rubber and pack them together with up to 3500 lbs of pressure per square inch. This made the ball super bouncy. When dropped from shoulder height, it would bounce right back. And if an adult throws it down, it can bounce as high as a three-story house. The SuperBall went through many changes before it was released to the public. At first, the ball would fall apart if it hit a surface with too much force. The toy company Wham-O made it better, and two years later, it hit the shelves. It was an immediate success. To this day, SuperBalls are popular all over the world. 1. Which is the best summary of the article? A. The SuperBall was manufactured by Wham-O. It took them two years to get it ready to sell to the public. B. The SuperBall is also known as the bouncy ball. Norman Stingley invented it by packing rubber together. C. The SuperBall was invented by Norman Stingley in 1965. Its amazing bounce makes it a popular toy to this day. D. The SuperBall was invented by Norman Stingley in 1965. It can bounce as high as a three story building.
1. A summary gives only the most important ideas and information of a story. It does not give all the details. The best summary for this passage tells the reader who invented the The SuperBall, in what year, and how popular it is today. No other details are needed.
Dear Diary, Today was not a good day. We had a big test in math class, and I forgot to study. Then there was lunch. Mary and Joanie were absent and I didn’t have anyone to sit with! And on the bus, I said “Hi” to Bobby but he didn’t even answer. How embarrassing! Like I said, today was not a good day. What is the author's purpose of this writing? A. to inform B. to express personal feeling C. to instruct D. to entertain E. to express personal feelings
What is E. to express personal feelings ?
The light from the flashlight was seen through translucent objects, such as tracing paper and liquid in a glass, but it was not completely clear. Using the example clue, the word translucent in this sentence means a. solid b. thick c. see through d. dark
What is c. see through?
Ray was a star player on his baseball team. He had a very important role. He was usually very safe with his special equipment, although, he does remember telling one player from the other team, "Don't swing your bat so close to my mask!" His teammates couldn't believe he could crouch in that tough position for so long. What position does Ray play? A. pitcher B. first base C. catcher D. shortstop
What is C. catcher?
George Washington Carver was born a slave. He eventually became known all over the world for his research in the science of farming (agriculture). He also became known for his efforts to help farmers in the South. Southern farmers had been raising mostly cotton, which had worn out the soil. He taught farmers how to plant other crops to make the soil better. Carver thought of many products to make from sweet potatoes, soybeans, and cotton waste. He found more than 300 uses for peanuts and won many awards for his work. Which is the best summary of this passage? A. George Washington Carver was one of the greatest scientists of all time. He came up with many products farmers could make from sweet potatoes, soybeans, and cotton waste. B. George Washington Carver was born a slave but was later a scientist. He helped Southern farmers learn how to raise cotton. He won many awards for the work he did. C. George Washington Carver was a great agricultural scientist. He helped Southern farmers better use the soil, and he thought of many products to make from different crops. D. George Washington Carver figured out more than 300 uses for peanuts. He also figured out uses for sweet potatoes, soybeans, and cotton waste. He won awards for his work.
C . When you summarize an article, you retell it in a much shorter form. This summary gives the major ideas of the story without too many details. The summary states why George Washington Carver is important and gives two important examples.
The bald eagle is America’s national bird. They are large birds. They stand about three feet tall. Bald eagles can have a wingspan as large as eight feet wide! Bald eagles also build very large nests. They build their nests out of sticks. They usually build them high off the ground. Each year they lay just two eggs. The largest bald eagle nest ever measured weighed more than two tons! It was almost ten feet wide and twenty feet tall. That’s a lot of room for just two baby eagles! The author wrote this paragraph to ______________________. A. demonstrate how the bald eagle became America's national bird B. persuade readers that it's hard to find a bald eagle's nest C. inform readers about the size of bald eagles and their nests D. all of the above
What is C. inform readers about the size of bald eagles and their nests?
A colossus, such as the Statue of Liberty, can be seen for miles around. Using the example clue, the word colossus in this sentence means A. airplane B. huge statue C. woman D. torch
What is B. huge statue?
It was the time of the pioneers. Many families were traveling by covered wagons through the Midwest. They were looking for land of their own on which to settle and build homes. Laura Ingalls Wilder lived during this time and wrote many books on her family and adventures. When did Laura Ingalls Wilder live? A. in the 1800s B. in the time of the dinosaurs C. in the year 1000 D. in the year 2005
What is A. in the 1800s?
Cubism is an art form that took off in the early part of the 20th century. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were the first artists to use cubism. They admired African and Native American art, which were simple in their styles. Picasso and Braque tried to copy that style, which became cubism. They helped change the way artists viewed their subjects. The subjects of cubism are broken up into square blocks. Then they are put back together to point out certain parts of the subject. This causes the subject to look very different from real life. Cubism allows artists to show a subject in a different light. Which is the best summary of this passage? A. In cubism, the subjects are broken up into square blocks. These square blocks then are put back together to highlight different parts. B. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque used different styles to form cubism. This type of art allows artists to show subjects in a new way. C. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque liked simple styles of art. Picasso and Braque changed the way artists created their works of art. D. During the 20th century, cubism was a popular art form. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque wanted to copy African and Native American styles. The main idea in this passage is: A. Auguste was a painter. B. Auguste traveled to Egypt. C. Auguste liked to sculpt. D. Auguste was a talented artist.
B . A summary gives only the most important ideas and information of a story. It does not give all of the details. The best summary for this passage tells the reader that Picasso and Braque used different styles to form cubism and that it allows artists to show subjects in a different way.
First, turn up the hem and press it into place. Then turn under a small edge on the inside of the hem. Press that, too. Next, pin the hem in place. Then thread a needle. Sew the hem in place. Use longer stitches on the inside and smaller stitches on the outside. That way, the stitches will barely show. The author is giving instructions for _____. A. sewing a dress B. knitting a scarf C. repairing a rip in a piece of clothing D. hemming a piece of clothing
What is D. hemming a piece of clothing?
We were all pretty apathetic in the movie about animals, but we became interested when it started showing all the tricks dogs could do. Using the contrast clue, the word apathetic in this sentence means a. gracious b. angry c.uninterested d. sleepy
What is c. uninterested?
She is wonderful. She will soon be 90! We are having a great time planning. An old friend is coming! She will be surprised. Grandpa passed away several years ago. We miss him. We are glad she is still here. Who is the paragraph about? A. Grandpa B. Grandma
What is B. Grandma?
For the first time, in Hazel's short life, she was afraid. She stared at the rock climbing wall and trembled a little bit. Although Hazel was strapped into the safety harness, she was still afraid. The little climbing holds that were sticking out didn't seem sturdy enough. Plus, it didn't help they were in different shapes and sizes. Hazel tugged on her rope to make sure it could handle her weight. Finally, she took one last breath before she stepped onto the first climbing hold. That's not bad, thought Hazel. She pulled herself up to the next hold. Hazel kept pulling herself up until she reached the top of the wall. Much to her surprise, she wasn't afraid anymore. At the top, Hazel looked down and saw how much she had accomplished. Which is the best summary of this passage? A. Hazel tugs on her rope to make sure that it is secure. She takes a deep breath before she steps onto the first hold. B. Hazel stares at the rock climbing wall and trembles a little bit. She then realizes she is wearing a safety harness. C. Hazel does not think that the climbing holds are sturdy enough. Also, she does not like how the holds are different. D. Hazel is afraid to climb up the rock climbing wall. However, once she climbs to the top, she is not afraid anymore.
D A summary gives only the most important ideas and information of a story. It does not give all of the details. The best summary for this passage tells the reader that Hazel is afraid of climbing the rock wall and that she is not afraid after she climbs to the top.
Did you know that smiling is actually easier than frowning? It takes many more facial muscles to frown than to smile. In fact, smiling is also better for your health. When you smile, you’re sending a message to your brain that you’re happy about something. When you frown, you’re sending a message to your brain that you’re sad about something. Our feelings are often contagious to those that surround us. So go ahead and smile! It’s worth it to everyone. The author is showing that A. it takes more muscles to smile than to frown. B. smiling is easier and healthier than frowning. C. the brain sends and receives messages. D. frowning is easy to do.
What is B. smiling is easier and healthier than frowning.?
After being unable to get a good night's sleep for many days, Allyson became lethargic. She didn't have the energy to get out of bed. Using the comparison clue, the word lethargic in this sentence means A. active B. bubbly C. exhausted D. lively
What is C. exhausted?
Miss Hines left the room. She was not gone for long. She looked at the board when she came back. It was not the same. Who had erased the lesson? Miss Hines looked at her students. Baylee was reading a book. Damon was putting two pencils up his nose. Tia's head was on her desk. Jake was drawing a dragon. The others sat very still. No one would tell Miss Hines who had erased the board. She had a plan. "Who wants to go to recess?" she asked. All the kids raised their hands. Tia's hand had white powder on it. Damon's hand was dirty. Jake had pencil smudges on the side of his hand. Miss Hines knew which one had erased her board. What clue told Miss Hines who erased the board?
What is .....................?
R.J. really wanted to get his library card. He wanted to get books for his dad to read to him before bed. He was tired of reading the same ones all the time. He knew the stories by heart. There was only one problem—R.J. had to learn how to write his name to get a library card. R.J. asked his mom to help him. She was taking his brother, Cody, to the library on Friday. R.J. wanted to go and get his library card then. That meant he had three days to learn to write his name. His mom wrote his name on a big piece of paper. She helped him practice over and over. Finally, it was Friday. R.J. went up to the librarian and said he wanted to get a library card. She gave him the piece of paper where he was supposed to write his name. Very slowly, R.J. wrote his name. He left the library with his brand new library card and three books. R.J. was so excited! Which of the following best summarizes the story? A. R.J. wanted a library card, but he had to write his name in order to get the card. His mother helped him practice for three days. By the end of the week, he was able to write his name and get his library card. B. R.J. wanted to get a library card so his dad could read new books. He was tired of reading the same books all of the time, so R.J. had to learn how to write his name. He practiced writing all week. C. R.J. asked his mom to help him learn to write his name, so she wrote his name on a big piece of paper. R.J practiced and was able to write his name. He went to the library and got a library card. D. R.J. practiced hard for three days so he could write his name. He wanted a library card, but he would have to write his name to get the card. His practice paid off, and he was able to get a library card.
A When you summarize a story, you retell it in shorter form. A summary tells the important ideas of the story, but it does not give all of the details. A good summary tells the main events of the story, which all explain that R.J. learned to write his name so he could get a library card.
Oh no! A black cat just crossed your path! That means bad luck, right? Oh dear, oh dear, you had better walk backward ten steps to avoid bad luck, or maybe you can trick the bad luck by turning around and walking backward until you cross over the place where the cat crossed your path. Here’s another idea! You could spit on the ground and rub your foot in it before walking backward for five steps. If all that backward walking makes you nervous – after all, you might fall into an open manhole -- maybe you can avoid bad luck by counting to nine instead. On the other hand, unless the black cat crossing your path is a hungry panther, you probably don’t need to worry about bad luck at all! The author most likely thinks that superstitions are: A. important B. silly C. dangerous D. boring
What is B. silly?