Sensory Organs
Nervous System
Light Properties
Pain and Instincts
Body and Senses

What is the function of the eyes?

To detect light and send images to the brain


What is the main part of the nervous system?

the brain and spinal cord


What is reflection?

the bouncing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.


Why does the body sense pain?

to protect itself from harm and to help you learn how to avoid dangers


What sense allows us to taste food?

The sense of taste


Name one sensory organ.

Eyes, ears, skin, nose, tongue


What does the spinal cord do?

sends motor commands from the brain to the body, sends sensory information from the body to the brain


What is refraction?

the bending of a ray when it passes at an angle from one medium into another


What is an instinct?

an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli.

"birds have an instinct to build nests"


How do we smell things?

by detecting tiny molecules that are released by substances around us


How do our ears help us?

Our ears detect sound waves and send the signals to our brain


What is a reflex action?

a rapid, automatic, and involuntary response to a stimulus that occurs without conscious thought.


Name one example of a convex lens.

Magnifying Glasses


Give an example of a reflex.

if you put your hand on a hot stove, a reflex causes you to immediately remove your hand before a "Hey, this is hot!" message even gets to your brain


What part of the body helps us balance?

The vestibular system in the inner ear is the primary part of the body that helps us balance


What do taste buds detect?

Taste buds detect flavors and send the signals to the brain to be processed


What is the role of the brain?

controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body


What does it mean if an object is opaque?

it does not allow light to pass through it, so you cannot see through it


Why do we have instincts?

help organisms survive


What role does touch play in our lives?

influencing our health, communication, and keeping us safe 


Explain how the skin senses touch.

The skin detects pressure differences and sends the information to the brain to be processed


Explain the difference between the central and peripheral nervous systems.

The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body


Explain the difference between translucent and transparent.

A "transparent" object allows light to pass through completely, enabling you to see clearly through it, while a "translucent" object lets some light pass through but diffuses it, meaning you can't see objects on the other side clearly


Can you name a situation where you might feel pain?

touching a sharp object, falling down, getting hit by a ball in the head, touching a hot stove


How do our senses work together to help us understand the world?

Our senses work together to help us understand the world by sending information to the brain, which interprets the signals and combines them to create a complete picture of our environment.
