Main Idea
Context Clues
Cause and Effect
Author's Evidence
RACE Response

The Sun gives us heat. The sun gives us light. The sun allows plants to grow and allows all living things to survive.

What is the main idea?

The sun is important.


What are the four steps to using context clues?

Read the sentence, underline the unfamiliar word, replace the word with _____, then fill in the blank with a word that makes sense.


Because Sara never brushes her teeth she had 5 cavities when she went to the dentist.

What is the cause?

Sara never brushes her teeth.


Pete called Ted Tuesday afternoon and invited him to come to his house after dinner to watch a movie. It had been a long, boring day, and Ted was excited to have something to do. After dinner, he hopped on his bike and pedaled over to Pete's house. The house was dark, and when he rang the bell, there was no answer. Ted turned around, hopped back on his bike, and rode home. Why did Ted ride home? What sentence proves that?

Ted rode home because Pete was not home. The text says "The house was dark, and when he rang the bell there was no answer."


What is the meaning of each letter in RACE response?

R- restate

A- Answer

C- Cite evidence

E- Explain


Main idea: There are many different types of ice cream.

Give me three key details that could support this main idea.


What does the word spectacular mean in the following sentence?

"The fireworks were truly spectacular, everyone was screaming and clapping as they went off."

amazing, wonderful


The baby was crying so Dad picked him up.

What is the cause and effect?

Cause: The baby was crying.

Effect: The Dad picked him up.


Sara walked into the large room. The woman behind the desk smiled at her. Sara looked around. There were hundreds of magazines in the room. There were thousands of books! Other children were in the room, sitting and reading books. Sara walked up to the woman. "Can you help me find a book?" she asked. Where is Sara? What evidence from the text proves that?

Sara is at the library because it says "Other children were sitting in the room reading books" and she asked a lady for help finding a book.

The answer is ... What's the question?

Answer: The boys got in trouble because they broke the window.

Why did the boys get in trouble?


What are the four steps in finding the main idea and key details of a text?

1. Read the text

2. Ask: What was it all about?

3. Read the text again

4. Find the key details that match the main idea


What does the word despicable mean in the following sentence?

"The man was so angry at the despicable treatment he just received from the boss so he quit right then and there."

horrible, bad, awful


Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.

What is the effect?

A helium balloon floats.


Nina held the glass jar very carefully. The teacher told the students to be careful because the experiment could explode. Slowly, Nina poured the green liquid into a glass jar. She wiped the edge of the jar and set it on the table. Next, she picked up the tube of red liquid. She measured one drop of it. Nina then carefully added the red drop to the green liquid. What class is Nina in? What sentences prove that?

Nina is in science class, because it says they were doing an experiment.


What evidence could I use to support this restate and answer?

RA: I do think the sun is important to our solar system.

The sun gives us heat, it gives us light, we use it for energy.


An atom is the smallest type of matter. A molecule is the next smallest, it is made of atoms. A substance is the next biggest form of matter, it is made of molecules. A mixture is the biggest form of matter, it is made of different substances.

What is the main idea?

The main idea is about the different types of matter.


What does the word extraordinary mean in the following sentence? What context clues did you use to help you figure it out?

"The sunrise that morning was extraordinary, it was like nothing I have ever seen before."

amazing, incredible because it says "nothing I have ever seen before."


The weather forecast called for rain so he took his umbrella.

What is the cause?

The weather forecast called for rain.


Sparta and Athens were Greek cities. Long ago, the people of both cities sent their children to school. The children learned different things there. In Sparta, the children went to school outdoors. They learned how to jump and run. They learned how to dance. They learned how to play many different games. In Athens, only boys went to school. They learned how to read, write, and speak correctly. They learned how to count and use numbers. How is school in Athens and Sparta similar and different to your school? What evidence from the text shows you that?


What could my explain sentence be to match my restate, answer, and cite evidence?

RAC: I do think the sun is important to our solar system. According to the text "The sun gives us heat and light." The text also says "We use the sun's rays for energy."

This proves that we use the sun for many things so it is important to our solar system.


Decimals are parts of a whole number. They are like money. We can add, subtract, round, and compare them. We can also place them on a number line and write them in standard, word, and expanded form. We also use them in Powers of Ten. 

What is the main idea?

There are many different things we can do with decimals.


What does the word inconspicuous mean in the following sentence? What context clues did you use to figure it out?

"The girl was trying to be inconspicuous when listening to her older sister's conversation because she did not want to get caught and get in trouble."

Not seen, because it says "she did not want to get caught and get in trouble."


I lost my tooth, put it under my pillow, when I woke up there was money under my pillow.

What is the cause and effect?

Cause: I lost my tooth

Effect: I put it under my pillow


Create three details that an author would use to prove the following statement.

Children in America experience school in a different way than children in other countries.


Find the 3 mistakes in the RACE response below.

I do think the sun is important to our solar system. "The sun gives us heat and light." The text says, we use the sun's rays for energy.

Missing transition words for evidence, missing quotation marks for evidence, missing the explain sentence.
