What does the word "Mass' mean?
It means "mission" or "sent".
When we walk into church, we bless ourselves with Holy Water to remind us of our Baptism.
Name the two main parts of the Mass.
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
What does the Great Amen mean?
When you leave Mass, how are you different?
You are carrying Jesus with you in the Eucharist out into the world. He chooses YOU to carry his love out to the world.
How do you know that Jesus is present in the church when you walk in?
If the sanctuary lamp is on, Jesus is in the tabernacle in the form of consecrated hosts.
Name the place in the Bible where we get the different readings.
First Reading - Old Testament
Psalm - Book of Psalms
Second Reading - New Testament Letters
Gospel - One of the 4 Gospels NT
When do we place all of our needs, wants and offerings on the altar and what do we ask God to do with it and when?
As the gifts are brought up, we also tell God we are putting all of our needs, wants, offerings on the altar. During the Eucharistic prayer, the priest asks God to receive our offerings and make them holy and give them back to us in the graces we receive int he Eucharist.
There are four ways the Mass is ended. Name them and what word they all have in common.
Go forth, the Mass is ended.
Go in Peace glorifying the Lord by your Life.
Go announce the gospel of the Lord.
Go in Peace.
They all include “Go!”
Why is the place that Mass is celebrated important?
The church is set apart from the rest of the world as a special place because it is where Jesus comes too earth to be with us in the Eucharist.
What is the Eucharistic Prayer and what we do we do with our bodies during this part of the Mass and why?
This is the prayer the priest says that changes the bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Jesus. We kneel during this to show our reverence to Jesus.
Share at least two of the ideas we talked about today to help us stay engaged in The Mass.
answers will vary
The Mass is the closest thing one earth to what?
How do we know? Where in the Bible do we read about heaven?
In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, we read about John's vision of heaven and it looks a lot like the Mass!
What three events in the life of Jesus are depicted in the stained glass windows behind the altar at Ascension?
The Ascension, The Resurrection and Jesus giving the keys to the kingdom to Peter (making him the 1st pope)
At The Gloria we sing the song the angels sang to the shepherds when they announced the birth of Jesus to them.l
Name something from Mass this past Sunday. Something from one of the readings, the homily, a song etc.
answers will vary