Tech Wellness
I need a grown up?
Take a Stand!

A feature in a photo app that alters the photo or completely changes it.

What is a filter?


This type of issue can be handled by you without a grown up's help.

What is a small issue?


Skills that can positively impact your life and attitude.

What is positive thinking skills?


This type of communication with a friend includes getting what you need from a friend and being flexible.

What is effective communication?


Someone who recognizes a wrong and takes action to make it right.

What is an Upstander? 


The process of removing the access a person has to your phone number or profile. You will no longer see their messages or posts.

What is Blocking a contact?


Sharing information with an adult about a friend who you are concerned about is the most caring thing you can do, even if the friend says not to say anything to others.

What is a true statement?


This plant doesn't need sun or water but only grows with your help or positivity. 

What is a positivity plant?

Communicating these may not always be easy and will require being vulnerable and honest.

What is communicating true feelings?


When you witness and recognize something wrong that doesn't involve you, you decide not to get involved in the drama.

What is a bystander? 


Departing a digital group conversation that has become overwhelming or annoying to participate in.

What is leaving a group chat?


A friend keeps adding you to a group chat after you ask not to be, a classmate shares at lunch they don't like going home because of getting hit by a parent, a friend sends you a text saying they aren't sure if anyone cares if they are around anymore.

What is a big issue?


This bouncing animal helped us understand the power of positive thinking.

Who is the Boucin Jackalope?


When friendships are not in a good place, you often feel this which doesn't feel good but is part of growing up.

What is stressed?


Having fun at the expense of someone else’s feelings, like spreading rumors, ultimately harming everyone involved.

What is gossiping?


Communication is hard, this type of communication is harder.

What is digital communication?


Talking to a teacher about a friend who told you to keep a secret about someone who shared scary things happening at home.

What is getting help from a grown-up?


Positive words or phrases that help you start your day or get you through a tough time.

What are positive affirmations?


Saying no to a friend, letting a friend know your feelings were hurt by their behavior, or sharing that your parents don't allow you to participate in the activity your friend really wants you to participate in.

What are examples of setting boundaries?


For example, my classmate, whom no one likes, called me ugly and a loser, so I shared in the class group chat a photoshopped picture of this classmate. Most people in the group chat laughed. 

What is retaliation? 


Dinner time, classroom, bedroom, restroom. 

What are examples of tech or phone-free zones?

The one thing that is always a BIG ISSUE if you ever suspect it being a concern with you or a classmate.
What is safety? (Emotional or Physical Safety)

A practice or moment, strengthing your focus and attention. It can help in school and at home.

What is mindfulness?


It is important to be friends with everyone in your class, and if that friendship isn't mutually felt, you should speak to a grown-up to get help.

What is a friendship myth?


An offensive joke about immigration was said in science class, and while your friend didn't know you were actually born in a different country, you waited after class to tell them how offended you were by the comment.

What is calling in?
