How many generations were there from Adam until Noach and how many generations from Noach until Avraham?
10 and 10
What is the largest internal organ of the human body?
The human liver
Who was Israel's first prime minister?
David Ben-Gurion
What is Georgia's nickname?
The peach state
In which city is the Me'aras HaMachpeilah?
Where did the Rebbe go on Rosh Chodesh Kislev?
Home from 770
What is the worlds busiest airport?
Atlanta International Airport
What does P.S stand for on a letter?
Which country was the first country to use paper money?
What is a supernova?
A dying star that explodes into brilliant bright lights
What was Atlanta originally called? And why?
Marthasville, after the governor's daughter
What is the deepest river in the United States?
The Hudson River, in NY
What is Camp David?
The presidents vacation home in Maryland
How many degrees are in a circle? How many in a triangle?
360, 180
What is the world's population?
8.2 billion
Which is the smallest?
What is the Rambam's Yartzeit?
Chef Teves
What is the approximate world Jewish population?
15.9 million
Who was Fidel Castro?
The communist leader of Cuba until 2008
In what year was the Rebbe born?
Golda Meir, during the 1970's
Who were the Rebbe's brothers?
Dovber and Yisroel Aryeh Leib
In what year did Israel officially become a state?
Who are the only 2 US presidents to serve 2 non-consecutive terms?
Grover Cleveland and Donald Trump
Which Hebrew months sometime have 29 days and sometime have 30 days?
Cheshvan and Kislev
What year did the Frierdiker Rebbe pass away?
What year did the Rebbe become Rebbe?
What is deer meat called?
Which countries are the top 5 in producing oil? Need every single one
What is the air around us made of? Need it to be detailed
78% Nitrogen 20% Oxygen
What is the longest river in the US? And from where until where is it?
The Mississippi River, from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico/America
What is the strongest bone in the body?
Thigh bone, called the Femur
What is the Israeli government called? Who's the president? Who's the PM?
Penicillin, Alexander Fleming
Smallest state, largest, lowest population, largest population
Rhode Island
California (paper by mistake said NY)
What are tendons and ligaments?
Muscles to bones
Bones to bones
Who is the current speaker of the house?
Mike Johnso
What is the longest living sea mammal?
Bowhead whale
What are the 4 Karbonos in the Mishkan?
Chataas - Sin
Asham - Guilt
Shlamim - Peace
Olah - Burnt
What is the name of the largest tree in the world?
What kind of tree is it?
General Sherman
What is a fathom?
A unit of length equal to 6 feet which is used to measure the depth of water?
Who is the current chief justice of the US?
John Roberts
Who invented the telephone, lightbulb and airplane?
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
The Wright Brothers
How far is outer space from sea level?
62 miles
Henry Kissinger
What happened on 9 Teves?
Ezra HaSofer passed away