Spell the word that means something bad could happen, such as jumping off a roof is ___________
What is a biography?
a story written about someone else's life
What math operation would you use to solve this problem?
A store ordered food items to restock the shelves. There were 876 products all together. If they bought an equal amount of pretzels, chip, and popcorn, how much of each item did they buy?
In an ecosystem, what is the source of energy?
For each team member, who's biography would you like to read?
answers vary, but should be a person
spell the word that means someone acts in place of another (the actor did a good job playing as Abraham Lincoln)
What is an autobiography?
A story you write about your own life.
A store ordered food items to restock the shelves. There were 876 products all together. If they bought an equal amount of pretzels, chip, and popcorn, how much of each item did they buy?
As the sun's energy moves through the food chain, what happens to the amount of original energy?
(increases or decreases)
For each team member, if you could meet any president of the United States, who would it be?
answers vary, but should be a president
spell the word that is a special type of corn
Who was our biography this week about?
Anne Frank
What is the answer to a division problem called?
quotient: answer to a division problem
(dividend: the number being divided
divisor: number dividing by)
What shows energy moving through the producers, consumers, and decomposers of an ecosystem?
a food chain
Who is in the Legislative branch?
(House of Representatives & Senators)
spell the word that describes something you can add air into to change its shape, like a balloon or bounce house
What are two common characteristics of poems?
rhythm & rhyme
Find the answer (you may use long division or the partial quotient strategy):
215 divided by 8
26 r 7
What is a producer?
a plant (something that produces/makes its own food)
Which group of people in the Legislative Branch of government has exactly 100 members?
spell the word that describes a can with pressurized air
What figure of speech/literary device is used in this sentence:
(alliteration or personification)
Pete's pizza pie had pepperoni, peppers, and pickles.
Find the answer (you may use long division or the partial quotient strategy):
837 divided by 6
139 r 3
What is a consumer?
something that must eat plants and/or other animals to get energy for living
Which group of people in the Legislative Branch of government has 435 members because it is based on each state's population?
House of Representatives