Forces and Motion
Science Processes
97% of the Earth's water location
What is the Oceans
A scientist will most likely consider this when studying the relative ages of rock layers in a canyon wall. A chemical weathering B current climate C amount of daily rainfall D Law of Superposition
What is the Law of Superposition
The organelle that stores genetic information. A flagellum B nucleus C mitochondrion D vacuole
What is the nucleus
The factor that best explains why some people will react differently than others to the same dose of an antibiotic. A high potency B low concentration C individual exposure D individual susceptibility
What is individual susceptibility
Evidence that elements can combine to form new compounds. A melting a solid B freezing a liquid C moving a piece of metal with a magnet D pouring two liquids together to create a solid
What is pouring two liquids together to create a solid
The condition in the ocean most responsible for an increase in the fish population near the surface. A buoyancy B density C salinity D upwelling
What is Upwelling
The best evidence that two continents were once connected. A They have similar types of rocks and fossils. B They are in the same stage of succession. C They exist along the same line of latitude. D They have the same climate.
What is they have similar types of rocks and fossils
The energy source that an animal cell needs to carry out life processes. A water stored in vacuoles B proteins built in ribosomes C light absorbed by chloroplasts D sugar broken down in mitochondria
What is sugar broken down in mitochondria
The statement that best describes influenza. A Influenza causes most forms of lung cancer. B Influenza is caused by poor hygiene. C Influenza is cured with antibiotics. D Influenza is highly contagious.
What is Influenza is highly contagious
The property of metals that allows them to be used to make coins that have the same thickness. A electrical conductivity B density C malleability D specific heat
What is malleability.
The pair of organisms that represents a connection between aquatic and terrestrial food webs. A whales and plankton B seagulls and oysters C spiders and mosquitoes D humans and coral
What is seagulls and oysters
The most likely conclusion about the top layer of rock seen in an undisturbed cliff wall. A The top layer is older than layers located farther down the cliff. B The top layer is younger than layers located farther down the cliff. C The top layer contains more fossils than layers located farther down the cliff. D The top layer contains fewer fossils than layers located farther down the cliff.
What is The top layer is younger than layers located farther down the cliff.
The organelle responsible for making proteins. Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Complex Nucleus
What is Ribosomes
The type of training local schools offer in order to prepare potential workers in the pharmaceutical industry. A biotechnology B ecology C engineering D geology
What is biotechnology
This best describes why metals are used for making pots and pans that are used for cooking. A Metals have low specific heats and high melting points. B Metals have high specific heats and low melting points. C Metals have low specific heats and low melting points. D Metals have high specific heats and high melting points.
What is metals have low specific heats.
The tool used to determine precipitation amounts. A balance scale B hygrometer C rain gauge D thermometer
What is a rain gauge
Based on the Law of Superposition, what can be concluded about fossils? A Fossils give clues about past climate patterns. B Fossils form from the hard parts of organisms. C The oldest fossils are found in the lowest rock layers. D The most recent fossils were advanced organisms.
What is The oldest fossils are found in the lowest rock layers
The process where oxygen is added to nutrients to release energy in the form of ATP. photosynthesis endocytosis exocytosis cellular respiration
What is cellular respiration
A less complex cell composed of no true nucleus. unicellular multicellular prokaryote eukaryote
What is a prokaryote
This best describes the physical change of an aluminum soda can after it is crushed. A There is a change in the mass of the can. B There is a change in the weight of the can. C There is a change in the volume of the can. D There is a change in the specific heat of the can.
What is there is a change in the volume of the can.
This best describes the hydrosphere. A Most of it contains salt. B It is made of only freshwater. C All of it is located above ground. D It is formed by a climate change.
What is mosto f it contains salt
The process that best explains how mountain ranges are worn down over time. A asteroid impacts B volcanic eruptions C mechanical and chemical weathering D continental drift and seafloor spreading
What is mechanical and chemical weathering
The phase of mitosis where the cell's cytoplasm and organelles are pinched into two daughter cells. interphase metaphase cytokinesis prophase
What is cytokinesis.
The amount of medicine prescribed to treat an illness to be taken at one time. potency exposure tablet dose
What is dose.
A chemical reaction produces two new substances, and each product has a mass of 25 grams. What was the total mass of the reactants? A 25 grams B 50 grams C 75 grams D 100 grams
What is 50 grams.