Hint: "I lived during the classical period, and I lost my hearing later in life. I was still a very successful composer, and my greatest symphony was written when I was completely deaf."
PICTURE: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UUiUapamTTI/maxresdefault.jpg
Hint: "I wrote the "Moonlight Sonata" that people know so well, and I even wrote the melody for twinkle twinkle little star. I lived during the classical period just like Beethoven. Nobody knows for sure how I died, and my last piece of music was never finished. I performed for royalty all over the world."
PICTURE: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/50/152550-004-669D4462.jpg
Who is MOZART?
Hint: "I lived during the Romantic Period in Russia. I composed the "Swan Lake" and "Nutcracker" ballets, as well as the 1812 overture which sometimes uses a REAL CANNON on stage. I'm one of the first composers in history to have my voice captured in a recording my a wax cylinder. The beginning of my name rhymes with a type of tea."
PICTURE: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/29/70029-004-74AD88C3.jpg
Who is TCHAIKOVSKY? (Chai-Cough-Ski)
Hint: "I lived in Poland during the Romantic Period. I wrote mostly piano music, and am well known for my "Nocturnes". My hair was amazing for the time period I lived in, and I was basically a living legend while I was still alive. I began playing piano music for audiences and writing poetry when I was only 6 years old!"
PICTURE: http://cdn-images.audioaddict.com/8/b/8/3/f/7/8b83f76da0c88bf71fe7e63eae1fd986.png