what is the name of this halo covenant melee weapon
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what is aftermath
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what is the unggoy called
What is the grunts
The main battle tank for the UNSC
What is the scorpion
The best Wii console out.
What is Nintendo Switch?
what is the first assault rifle in multiplayer
what is the Mtar
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What is the jackels
what is the ship you jump into at the end of halo 3
What is the forward unto dawn
which halo grenade has the ability to stick
what is the plasma grenade
who is the main character of the bo2 campaign
who is David Mason
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what is the Jiralhanae called
What is the brutes
what is the ship you start in at the beginning of halo 1
What is the pillar of autumn
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what is the gravity hammer
what is the mission where you are on an aircraft carrier in bo2
What is Odysseus
what is the 3rd map in world at war
what is Shi No Numa
What is the flood called
What is the flood
what is the UNSC ship in halo 4
What is the infinity
what is the name of the alien race know as the sangheili
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who is Raul Menendez
what is the first DLC map ever released
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