Matter and Energy
Force, Motion, and Energy
Earth and Space
Organisms and Environments
Droplets of water on the outside of a cold soda can are an example of this part of the water cycle
What is condensation
Force responsible for making my pencil fall from the desk
What is gravity
Fossils are formed in this type of rock
What is sedimentary rock
Plants and humans support each other through this cycle
What is the carbon dioxide/ oxygen cycle
Learned of Inherited: A bird builds a nest in a tree
What is inherited
Put oil, water, and corn syrup together and they will form layers because of this property
What is density
Hmm... I look into the mirror as I brush my teeth with my right hand, what do I see in the mirror?
What is I see myself brushing my teeth with my left hand
Describe the following terms Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
What is Wearing down or breaking down, Transporting, and Dropping off
All energy (including the one in yesterday's hamburger) comes from this
What is the sun
Three stages of incomplete metamorphosis and an example of this
What is Egg, Nymph, and Adult... grasshopper
"Billy, No, you cannot remove the chocolate from your chocolate milk and have regular milk. Don't you see, chocolate milk is one of these"
What is a solution
Energy conversion that occurs when you use a toaster (what type of energy do you start with and what type of energy do you end with?)
What is electric to thermal
Name all five types of alternative energy and describe each
What is wind (uses turbines), solar (sun), hydroelectric (uses running water and a generator), geothermal (uses heat from within the Earth), and Biofuels (fuels made from nature such as ethanol which is made from corn)
Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult
What is complete metamorphosis
The different characters in a food web
What is producers, consumers, and decomposers
Pots and pans often have plastic on the handle. This helps keep the handle from getting hot because plastic is a good _______
What is insulator
Binoculars allow you to see things close up because the lenses within them do this
What is refract light
Name and describe the steps in the water cycle
What is evaporation (sun picks up water), condensation (water vapor forms clouds), precipitation (rain), runoff (excess water runs down mountain), infiltration (water gets into ground), collection (water returns to ocean), capillary action (plants take water through roots), transpiration (plant sweat)
Inherited or learned: Pamela gets food from the same grocery store that her mom went to and her grandma went to when they were little.
What is learned
What... I found a fossil of a seashell in the mountain? How could this be?
What is El Paso used to be an ocean
I have a mixture of blocks, they are all the same size. Some blocks are wood, some blocks are iron, and some blocks are glass. I cannot touch them with my hands or grab them with anything. How can I separate the blocks based on their properties?
What is first place them in water so the wood blocks float (density) then use a magnet to pick up the iron blocks (magnetism)
The type of energy you are using when you ride a bike
What is mechanical energy
Responsible for day and night
What is rotation
Name two cool water adaptations
What is webbed feet, gills, coated feathers to protect from water, fins
Name one person who you are sure will pass the STAAR Science test
Be confident, this should be your own name!!! You can't be sure of how anyone else will do except for yourself!