The Game
Case Plays

A team needs to meet this minimum requirement in order to begin a game  

What is four players? 


This is the act of pushing, throwing, or batting the ball towards the floor.

What is a dribble?


This is the act of moving a foot or feet in any direction in excess of prescribed limits while holding the ball.

What is a travel or traveling violation?


When a player leaves the throw in spot while attempting to put the ball in play.

What is a throw-in violation or turnover?


A1 is dribbling the ball in the front court being guarded by B2 when A1 collects their dribble. While holding the ball, B2 slaps the ball out of A1's hand. A1 grabs the ball and begins dribbling towards the basket. 

- Whats the call?

Play on. A1 has not committed a dribbling violation because when B2 dislodges the ball, A1 loses player control. Once they have regained it, they are permitted to dribble again.


The correct length of an Intramural Basketball game with timing specifications

What is two-20 minute halves with a running clock until the last two minutes of the second half?


A defender who has two feet, in-bounds, facing their opponent has this.

What is legal guarding position?


When a player with control of the ball in the front court touches any part of the back court with any part of their body or the ball.

What is a backcourt violation?


This results from a defender fouling an airborne shooter on either a successful or unsuccessful shot attempt from the field.

What are free throws?


A3 is dribbling towards the basket being guarded by B4. B4 reaches to attempt to get the ball and makes contact with A3's arm. You put air in the whistle to signal the defense's 3rd team foul. After one more dribble, A3 attempts a succesful shot.  

What do we have?

A3 Dribbling the ball one more time means that they have not collected their dribble or began the act of shooting. As soon as this foul is called, we need to wave off the basket and we will have a throw-in for A at the spot closest to the foul.


The amount of timeouts each team has per half

What is one timeout?


The only way to achieve this is by one of these things:

- Throw-in

- Free Throw

What is a live ball?


When a defender impedes the path of a dribbler without obtaining legal guarding position.

What is a block?


When a team commits its 7th team foul, the offended team is in this.

What is the bonus? 


While dribbling up from the backcourt, A1 runs over B3 who is standing still facing A1. 

What do we have?

B3 was facing the opponent with established position on the court. Therefore, we have a player control foul on A1. It will be a personal foul on A1 with a designated spot throw in for team B. 


This is our basketball mercy rule 

What is a 25 point lead @5min mark or a 15 point lead @2min mark or a 50 point lead at any time?


To avoid being called for this type of foul, a player moving with the ball is required to stop or change direction to avoid contact with a defender in legal guarding position 

What is a player control foul? 


This happens after a jump ball 

What is an alternating possession throw in?


This is the proper way to assess a technical foul.

What are two free throws and possession of the ball at half-court opposite from the scorer's table for the team not assessed with the technical foul?


A3 is fouled in the act of shooting on an unsuccessful shot attempt. The players line up in the appropriate lane spaces and the official is under the basket holding the ball. At this moment, B5 calls for a timeout. 

What do we have?

Because the ball is not at the disposal of the free thrower yet, either team can request and be granted a timeout. The officials grants B a timeout. A3 will shoot 2 free throws after the timeout.


At least three things that stop the clock during the final two minutes of the game 

What are: 

- Injury

- Team Timeout

- Foul

- Violation

- Official Timeout


This is the acronym for reporting a foul - and what they represent 

  • Color: Give the color of the fouling player

  • Number: Give the # of the fouling player

  • Foul: Give the correct foul

    • Push, hit, block, hold

  • Next: Report what happens next

    • Two shots, one shot, throw-in (point)


Contact with an opponent that is not a play on the ball.

What is an intentional foul?


A player has two personal fouls and then receives two technical fouls. This is the proper enforcement 

What is an ejection?


A2 is dribbling the ball up the court when it is knocked away by B5. A1 and B3 both dive to the floor in an attempt to gain possession. While on the floor, B3 uses his foot to pull the ball within reach of his hands and gains possession. From the ground, he passes the ball to B1 who streaks towards the basket and makes an easy layup.

What do we have?

Kicked ball violation on B3. Using his foot to bring the ball closer is an intentional act where the ball contacts his foot/leg. A ball with a sideline throw-in closest to the spot of the violation.
