What is the word country in Greek?
What does «σωστά» mean?
That’s right!
I live in
Εγώ μένω
If I want to say "I live in Athens," which word comes before "Αθήνα"?
What is “Canada” in Greek?
Ο Καναδάς
How do you say ”far” in Greek?
You live in
Εσύ μένεις
What word do we use to say "in" when talking about a masculine word (like "Canada")?
What is ”America” in Greek?
H Αμερική
Το κέντρο
He/she/it lives in
Aυτός/αυτή/αυτό μένει
How do you say "I live in Greece" in Greek?
Εγώ μένω στην Ελλάδα
What is the capital of Greece (in Greek!)?
Η Αθήνα
What does «κοντά» mean?
We live in
Εμείς μένουμε
Can you name the three different words for "in" we learned last week?
«στον,» «στην,» and «στο»
What is “Australia” in Greek?
H Αυστραλία
How do you say “here” in Greek?
You guys live in
Εσείς μένετε
What is “Greece” in Greek?
Η Ελλάδα
How do you say ”there” in Greek?
They live in
Αύτοι/αυτές/αυτά μένουν