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How does the act begin?
Street fight between Montague's and Capulet's
This infamous scene takes place in the second scene of the second act...
The Balcony Scene
Who is Tybalt looking for in the streets of Verona and why?
Romeo and to duel/fight him to the death.
Since her childhood, this is the person she loves and trusts
The Nurse
Cousin & Best Friend
What does the Prince's new law state?
Either family will be punished by death if they fight again.
Who is the "Prince of Cats" and why?
Tybalt; due to his talents in fencing
Who infamously yells "A plague on both your houses..." and to whom are they cursing?
Mercutio & both the Montague and Capulet families
Traditionally, who is supposed to determine her future husband?
Her father
The first woman who owns, tortures & breaks his heart
What has been plaguing or depressing Romeo?
Unrequited love
These people are needed in assisting Romeo and Juliet in their love & marriage.
Fr. Lawrence & The Nurse
Tybalt kills ___________.
Romeo kills __________.
The Prince exiles _________.
Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo kills Tybalt, and the prince exiles Romeo.
In the infamous balcony scene, who is Juliet originally speaking to?
Who does Romeo turn to for deep and meaningful insight?
Friar Lawrence
Romeo's presence at the Capulet's ball causes _____ to react ______ and threaten _______.
causes Tybalt to react with anger/fury and threaten Romeo to a duel
Identify the speaker & Literary device; "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet."
Juliet & Metaphor
Romeo does not go to Juliet right away after their wedding vows; what does he fear?
She has changed her mind and no longer wants to consummate their marriage.
One way Juliet outsmarts other characters
Varying responses
Romeo's Best friend
Identify the speaker "...has my heart ever loved until now?" and what they mean.
Romeo is speaking after seeing Juliet for the first time. Despite feeling love for Rosaline, nothing compares to Juliet.
What event occurs at the end of this Act, despite the fact that we don't witness it?
Romeo and Juliet's wedding ceremony
Dramatic Irony plays a large role in Act 3; what is it's role in the last scene of Act 3?
In efforts to cheer Juliet up, Capulet has decided to give Paris Juliet's hand in marriage.