What is the genealogy of Jesus?
most popular male name in 1st century Roman empire.
Luke's gospel empowers a certain group of people and sees them as equal to male disciples.
Who are women?
In the prologue of John 1:1-18 Word is talking about
Who is Jesus
The year that the temple was destroyed; provides evidence that none of the gospel writers were eyewitnesses to Jesus.
When is 70 A.D.
They came to Bethlehem when Jesus was born
Who are Magi?
What would I do?
Added by someone other than Mark(at a later date) as to give more details to further explain the stories within Mark.
What is the shorter ending?
What is the longer ending?
The women who was friends with Jesus and announced Jesus' resurrection.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
Walking on Water, Wedding at Cana are a part of what book in John
Last Supper Discourse and Jesus' Death and Resurrection are apart of another
What are the Book of Signs and the Book of Glory
Jesus used them to correct ideas, stretch minds, and test hearts.
What is a parable?
What does Jesus try to reveal through the parables in Matthew such as:
13:24 ff- weeds/ wheat
18:10- lost sheep
18:21-unforgiving servant
What is the Kingdom of God?
Mark is written in ___ tense.
What is present?
Two ideas/things that are emphasized in Luke.
What are the Holy Spirit and prayer?
Contains Eucharistic elements and the reason there is no breaking of bread
What is the Bread of Life Discourse
All the synoptics agree on:
- Jesus was born in Bethlehem
- Parents were Mary and Joseph
- Jesus was raised in Nazareth
What are the main points/ideas of Matthew?
- Late 70s-80s
- Jesus as new Moses
- depicted as teachers/rabbi
-target audience are Jewish Christians
- disciples portrayed as good/favorable
- genealogy goes back to Abraham
What are the main ideas/points of Mark?
-65 A.D.
- Jesus is in a hurry
- target audience: Christians in Rome persecuted by Nero
- messianic secret
- disciples clueless
- no childhood account
- most human
- actions more than words
- suffering Messiah
What are the main points/ideas of Luke?
- late 70s- 80s
- 2 volumes (Lk/Acts)
- Jesus' Davidic ancestry is downplayed
- Gentile audience: no Jewish terms
- women and outcasts are included
- emphasis on poor
- compassionate and gentle Jesus
- emphais on prayer
- Holy Spirit
- Theophilus- friend of God
- Lk/Acts 25% of NT
- accurate, orderly; Jesus headed to Jerusalem
-mindful of history
What are the main ideas of John?
- written much later than 90 A.D.
- Jesus is more divine than human
- very symbolic (light/dark) and miracles stressed
- Johannine community(house churches)
- target audience is a mixed community of Christains
The 4 gospels agree on what 4 points of Jesus' resurrection?
- tomb was empty
- Jesus appears to disciples
- Jesus instructs disciples and send the Holy Spirit
- Meaning of resurrection= most earth shaking event in salvation history
The 2nd coming of Jesus
The revealing of Jesus' Messianic secret in Mark.
What is Part 2 and/or Mark 8:27-end
Ring for business
Sandals- household and not slave
What is the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
Titles of Jesus
I am the bread of life (6:35)
I am the resurrection and the life(11:25)
What are metaphors?
Pentecost reverses an event
What is the Tower of Babbel?