True or false: Parents are given a short notice before their kids are planned to be taken away.
The author of “Birdie”, a novel about the life of Bernice Meetoos and the struggles she faces.
Tracey Lindberg
True or false: Brady is the main character?
What were the main characters' names?
April and Cheryl Raintree
What do the bears do in the traditional circle?
They smudge, sing traditional songs, and use the talking feather
In which decade did this historical event begin?
The foster family that took Bernice in are called the Iglesons, True or False?
False, they're the Ingelsons
Who are Cole's friends in the story?
Eva and Brady
How was Cheryl Raintree affected by her past?
Started a drinking addiction, substance abuse, commitied suicide
roars to show his feelings
What was the purpose of taking young children away from their parents?
To “kill the Indian in the child”
What is the impact of trauma on the character in the quote from Lindberg's story, where her uncle's actions have lasting emotional and psychological effects?
Addictions to sexual acts and fear of men
What does the character of Choch represent in the story?
Represents dark forces that threaten the community
What was Cheryl like in foster care?
She became rebellious and struggled with her identity
Used in ceremonies to burn sacred medicines for spiritual cleansing and purification
Which two provinces in Canada have the highest number of children taken away? (200 each answer)
Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Bernice later on feels uncomfortable around men because of her past experiences, she has _______.
Trauma/Sexual trauma
What themes does the novel explore?
Identity, friendship, reconciliation, and the power of community.
What were the issues with April’s and Cheryl’s parents?
They had horrible drinking addictions due to not being able to move on from their past.
What made Little Bear feel the MOST scared?
Not knowing what was going on