This new type of fashion ran 7 to 8 inches above the knee
What is a mini skirt?
Which '60s toy proved you could bake with a lightbulb?
The Easy Bake Oven
Name that 1967 song!
"If you need me, call me,
No matter where you are
No matter how far,
Don't worry, baby
Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry"
What is Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye?
This is a popular 60s tv show about a stone age man and his life.
What is The Flinstones?
Which candy was introduced in 1966 with the slogan, "First it's a candy, then it's a gum?"
What are Razzles?
These boots came out in the mid-60s and were instantly popular. What are they called?
What are Go-Go boots?
Which '60s building blocks are still hugely popular, decades later?
This popular band was together from 1960 to 1970. Some of their hits include "Yellow Submarine" and "Let It Be".
Who are The Beatles?
The song "16 Going on 17" is from what 1960s musical?
What is The Sound of Music?
This 1964 film is about a nanny with magical powers. She believes a spoonful of sugar will solve any problem.
What is Mary Poppins?
These pants were super popular in the 60s. What is their name?
What are Bell-Bottoms?
Which '60s board game made preschoolers crave sweets?
What is Candyland?
These were made for walking, according to a hit from the 1960s.
What is Boots?
This dance move was also the name of a song by Chubby Checker.
What is The Twist?
Let’s see you do the twist Linda Nesbit!
The USA made a huge accomplishment on July 20, 1969. Where did they land?
What is The Moon?
This popular pattern was super trendy during the 1960s.
What are polka-dots?
Which '60s board game involved rodents?
What is Mouse Trap?
Name that 1965 song!
"How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be on your own, with no direction home
A complete unknown..."
What is Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan?
This open-air music festival was held in upstate New York in August 1969
What is Woodstock?
This style of car was desired by many.
What is a muscle car?
This actress was very popular in the 60s and was a fashion icon! What is her name?
Who is Audrey Hepburn?
Which '60s toy let non-humans duke it out?
What is Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots?
Name this 1966 song!
"Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong?"
What is Wouldn't it be Nice by the Beach Boys?
This style of shirt was popular with hippies.
What is Tie-Dye?
What was this 1960s video game called?
What is the "Brown Box" or "Magnavox Odyssey"?