Water that falls to the ground in the form of rain, snow, sleet, etc.
Water that drains over the surface of the earth after falling as precipitation.
What are two types of energy drivers?
1. Gravity
2. Sun / Solar Energy
What is the main driver of both transpiration and photosynthesis.
The sun
What is the main driving force behind many water movements?
Water located on the surface of the earth such as lakes and streams.
Surface Water
When water drains down into the ground/soil
What is the process where a liquid turns into a gas?
How does evaporation happen?
The Sun provides energy (heat).
The heat excites water molecules, causing them to move faster.
As molecules move faster, they escape from the liquid and turn into gas (water vapor).
Which water movement processes are driven by the force of gravity? List all answers that apply.
Groundwater Movement
What is elevation?
Height above or below a given location
Water held underground in the soil or in spaces (pores and crevices) in rock.
Which of the water movement processes are driven by energy from the sun? List all that apply.
1. Evaporation
2. Transpiration
How does transpiration happen?
Water enters the plant through the roots from the ground.
The water travels up through the stem to the leaves.
Water evaporates from the leaves into the air
Imagine a heavy snowstorm occurs during the night. Make a prediction of how the movement of water from the snow might be different during the night as compared to the day.
I predict that:
- Less snow will melt
-Less water will move out of the snow
What is transpiration?
Transpiration is when plants release water vapor into the air.
What is a watershed?
An area of higher elevation land that affects where surface water and groundwater drain.
What can influence the way water flows?
- Land surface features
This model shows the surface where the puddle formed. The plants located next to the puddle absorb water from the puddle through their roots.
Complete the model by showing the processes causing the movement of water out of the puddle.
For each process that removes water from the puddle, use arrows to show the direction of water movement.
Label each arrow to name the process that moves water out of the puddle.
Infiltration occurs more easily in ( ) materials than in ( ) materials.
1. Porous
2. Impervious / Nonporous