What was life like after the fall of Rome?
There was a lack of strong central government in Western Europe.
Know who Charlemagne was and what he did.
He is Europe's most successful monarch and he was king of the Franks.
Know the important kings of Anglo-Saxon England and why they were important.
Alfred the Great and Edward the Elder. They were important because Alfred brought all the Anglo-Saxon tribes into one and Edward fought and created more united kingdoms.
Explain how William the Conqueror took power in England.
He had armies to raid and take over England.
Know what feudalism is and be able to identify how it works.
A powerful king provides money, recruits armies on demand, grants land to his many lords. Lords protect the king and manage the territory. Knights protect both the lords and the king. Peasants work for the land.
Know the Byzantine Empire, its leaders, and what caused the Great Schism.
Justinian and Irene of Athens were some of the leaders. The pope ignored the power of Irene and she built many empires which split the Byzantine Empire.
Who were the Vikings?
They were people from Scandinavia who sailed across Northern Europe from the 8th to the 11th century.
Who were the Normans? Where did they come from? What parts of Europe did they influence and how did they influence them?
They were a group of Vikings who settled in Northern France. They came from Scandinavia. They influenced Sicily and Italy. The impact was that they made peace in their culture.
Be able to explain how life looked for people in the Medieval Period
They would get up, eat, work, practice with weapons, supper, and then they went to bed along with a prayer.
Know how Al Andalus came to exist and identify her achievements.
Al Andalus came to exist from the Muslims who marvelled at the river, and they conquered it and named it Al Adalus. Her achievements were that they began a golden age where science, art, philosophy, and architecture flourished.
What was Viking culture like?
Viking culture had three classes which were Jarls, Karls, and Thralls. They each had a different god they worshiped.
Identify how Venice advanced new ideas in technology and government
He advanced his new ideas because his location was the most popular for shipping so they remained really important for the people.
Be able to identify how the Roman Catholic Church worked and its importance in the Medieval Period.
Service was held there every day, and people would worship and sing there. It was important because it is how they ran their lives, and they needed God for their life.
Know how Christian kingdoms rose in Medieval Spain.
The kingdoms rose because Pelagius defeated the Muslim army and so Muslim rulers of Spain could not be beaten which caused the Christians in Spain to believe God was on their side in the war.
How did the Vikings change Medieval Europe?
They took over peoples lands by sailing and raiding.
Know who the Anglo-Saxons were and what mattered to them.
They were warriors who forced the tribes in Britain to flee their homes and control and land mattered to them.
What was Kievan Rus? What was its geography like? Who were some of their important leaders and why were they important?
The Kievan Rus was a state that the Rus lived in. It had rivers, mountains, hills, grasslands, and swaps. Rurik, and he founded the first ruling dynasty and Oleg conquered the lands along the south.