Keeping it Random
Al azar
Friendly Random
Maybe next month won't be random?

When born, a Dalmatian puppy is always? 


B) black with white spots;

C) white; 

D) white with black spots

(Did you watch 101 Dalmations :) )

White – they will have most of their spots after around 4 weeks.


Which war caused the greatest loss of life for Americans? 

A) WW1

B) WW2

C) Vietnam

D) The American Civil War

The American Civil War – around 620,000 dead. This is more than WW1, WW2 and Vietnam combined.


Which country has beaver as the national emblem? 

A) Turkey; 

B) Peru; 

C) Canada; 

D) Papau New Guinea



Which continent covers the largest area? 

A) Asia;

B)  North America; 

C) Africa;

D)  South America

Asia – 44.58 million square kilometers, 30% of Earth’s land area.


What is the only metal that is a liquid at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature?

A) Lead; 

B) antimony;

C) uranium; 

D) mercury

Mercury – also known as quicksilver.


How many sides does a rhombus have: 

A) 4;

B) 6;

C) 8;

D) 10



What was the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War? 

Chickamauga; Gettysburg; Spotsylvania; Stones River

Gettysburg – an estimated 51,000 casualties. 


What are the tallest trees on Earth? 

A) Coast Redwood; 

B) Coast Douglas Fir;

C) Giant Sequoia;

D)  Sitka Spruce

Coast Redwood


True or false – The longest human hair was measured at over 5 meters long?

True – a Chinese lady, Xie Qiuping, holds the record for the world’s longest hair. It was measured at 5.63 meters in 2004.


True or false – You would weigh more on Mars than on Earth?

 False – you would weigh about 38% of your weigh on Earth due to Mars’ lower gravity.


 In the Trivial Pursuit game, what category are the orange questions? 

A) Sports & Leisure; 

B) Arts & Literature; 

C) History; 

D) Geography 

 Sports & Leisure


One of these words does not belong. Find the odd word out. 

A) For
B) By
C) Yet
D) Near

C) Yet

Yet is not an preposition.


How much of your vision do you lose if you go blind in one eye?
A) 50 percent
B) 10 percent
C) 35 percent
D) 20 percent

D) 20 percent


In what century did the Black Death devastate Europe?

A) 12th; 

B) 13th;

C)  14th;

D)  16th

14th century – peaking around 1348 – 1350. It is believed the Black Death killed approximately 50 million people, 60% of Europe’s entire population.


What is the capital of French Polynesia? 

A) Praia
B) Papeete
C) Moroni
D) Cayenne

B) Papeete


Goulash is a beef soup associated with this nation:
A) Morocco
B) Greece
C) Israel
D) Hungary

Answer: D
The dish dates from the 9th century and is named after the nomadic tribes who kept oxen.


Which performer received a gold single for the song “Daniel” in 1973?
A) Billy Joel
B) Elton John
C) Michael Jackson
D) Paul Simon

Answer: B
Elton John received his first gold single for “Crocodile Rock” earlier in the same year.


What was the name of Robert De Niro’s character in Taxi Driver? 

A) Jimmy Bickle;

B) Travis Bickle;

C) Virgil Bickle; 

D) Harry Bickle

Travis Bickle – classic line “You talkin’ to me?”


Substances that have a definite size and shape, and vibrating particles that are close together are:
A) Liquids

B) Gases

C) Solids 

D) Sluge

C) Solids 


When a beam of white rays is dispersed by a prism which colour will be refracted to a larger extent? 

A) Orange

B) Red

C) Blue

D) Violet

D) Violet


What is the planets lowest country?

 A) Republic of Mauritius; 

B) Holland; 

C) The Seychelles; 

D) Republic of The Maldives

Republic of the Maldives – with an average ground level of 1.5 meters, the highest natural point being 2.4 meters.


What is the loudest animal on earth? 

A) African elephant;

B)  killer whale;

C)  blue whale; 

D) Indian elephant

blue whale


Which country employed the first police woman? 

A) England;

B) USA; 

C) France;

D) Australia



What is the world’s most venomous fish? 

A) Scorpion fish;

B) Lion fish; 

C) Stonefish; 

D) Toadfish

Stonefish – the spines inject a poison that has been described as causing the most intense pain known to man.


 In which city did Hitler commit suicide? 

A) Bern; 

B) Berlin;

C) Munich; 

D) Dusseldorf

Berlin – on 30th April 1945.
