sentences 2
defnitions 2
Part of speech

what is the definition of Radiant 

 shining brightly; sending out light


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "concession"?

a) The company made a concession to its employees by offering flexible work hours. 

b) She refused to make any concessions during the negotiation, insisting on her terms. 

c) As a gesture of goodwill, the government granted a concession to the opposition party.

d) He accepted the defeat with grace, making a concession speech to his opponent.

c) As a gesture of goodwill, the government granted a concession to the opposition party.


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "wane"?

a) Her enthusiasm for the project waned as the deadline approached. 

b) The moon's brightness began to wane as it moved further away from Earth.

c) He noticed a wane in his energy levels after working long hours without a break. 

d) The popularity of the trend started to wane as newer fads emerged.

b) The moon's brightness began to wane as it moved further away from Earth.


what is the defnition of Concession 

something done or agreed to in order to reach an agreement or compromise


what is the part of speech for radiant 



what is the definition of Admonish 

 to warn or scold; to reprimand


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "radiant"?

a) She wore a radiant smile as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day.

b) The radiant sun warmed the sandy beach, creating a picturesque scene. 

c) His radiant personality brightened the mood of everyone around him. 

d) The room was filled with radiant energy as the performers took the stage.

a) She wore a radiant smile as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day.


a) She looked at him benevolently, offering a kind smile and words of encouragement.

 b) The charity organization operates benevolently, providing aid to those in need without discrimination. 

c) He benevolently donated a large sum of money to the local homeless shelter. 

d) The king ruled his kingdom benevolently, always considering the welfare of his subjects.

a) She looked at him benevolently, offering a kind smile and words of encouragement.


what is the definition of the word Reproach 

disapproval, criticism  


part of speech for Admonish



what is the definition of Presumptuous 

 overconfident, inappropriate for the situation


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "reproach"?

a) She felt a sense of reproach for not meeting her own high standards. 

b) He reproached his colleague for making a critical error in the presentation. 

c) Despite his best efforts, he couldn't escape the reproach of his past mistakes.

d) The teacher's reproach encouraged the student to strive for improvement in their academic performance

c) Despite his best efforts, he couldn't escape the reproach of his past mistakes.


part of speech for Presumptuous



what is the defnition of Wane 

 to become progressively smaller or less


a) The teacher admonished the students for talking during class, reminding them of the classroom rules.

b) She received an admonishing letter from her supervisor for repeatedly missing deadlines. 

c) The coach admonished the players for their lack of effort during practice, urging them to improve. 

d) He felt a sense of admonishment from his parents after coming home late without informing them.

a) The teacher admonished the students for talking during class, reminding them of the classroom rules.


part of speech for Wane 

Batman or bruce wane


what is the definition of Benevolently 

in a kind and generous manner


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "presumptuous"?

a) She made a presumptuous assumption about his intentions without any evidence. 

b) He felt it was presumptuous of his colleague to speak on his behalf without permission. 

c) The candidate's speech was criticized for its presumptuous claims about future policies. 

d) It would be presumptuous of him to assume he knew the answer without consulting the experts.

d) It would be presumptuous of him to assume he knew the answer without consulting the experts.


part of speech for Benevolently

