What is the bad guy called in Among Us
This Game made in 2018 took off in 2020 after popular streamer Sodapoppin streamed it.
also a us congresswoman played it to the 3rd highest viewed stream ever on twitch
What is Among Us
This meme popularized in September 2020 shows a character from among us being called sus
What is "Red Sus"
what hemisphere does the North American Continent Preside. (hint: it's where you live)
What is the Northern Hemisphere
What time is noon
what is 12pm
What was the first map in among us?
What is Skeld
What famous streamer streamed with drake making it the most viewed twitch stream ever?
Who is Ninja
This meme from a 2021 commercial shows grown adults dancing because of food.
What is the grub hub commercial
what line runs over the top of the equater
What is the Tropic of Cancer
What are the moon equivalent of earthquakes called
moonquakes (obviously)
The name of the group who created Among Us
What is E.T
The first internet meme
Dancing Baby
What island are you not allowed to go on because a primitive tribe lives there
What is North Sentinel island
What was the first salaried baseball team
What is the Cincinnati Red Socks
What was the original name of Among Us
What is SpaceMafia
In 2008 how many games did Barack Obama campaign in
what is 18 games
How old was Grumpy cat when she died
What is seven years old
What country is geographically closest to the North Pole
What is Canada
How long can the wood frog hold it's pee for
What is 8 months
How many copies of Among us have been sold
what is 3.2 million
what was the famous video game character "Laura croft" originally going to be named
who is Laura cruz
What year was the first ever meme created
what is 1921
what is 24,901 miles
How long is the Uranus Winter in earth years
What is 84 years