Hail is which state of matter, liquid, solid, or gas?
How compact something is.
During which seasons are hailstorms most likely to happen (name 3).
True or False: Hail can happen anywhere in the United States. Some places are more likely than others.
Weather Balloons are launch how many times a day?
twice, 6am and 6pm
snow, sleet, rain, hail
The height of an object compared to sea level.
What does the air temperature near the ground need to be in order to have a hailstorm?
warm, hot
True or False: Nebraska is protected from hail due to the Rocky Mountains.
Weather balloons provide information about pressure, ______________, ____________, and _____________.
temperature, humidity, wind
Which type of precipitation is the only liquid?
Energy with respect to an objects motion.
Kinetic Energy
Describe the temperature around the time of a hailstorm.
temperatures are warmer, then usually drop, then warm up again
Temperatures fluctuate.
West, past the Rockies.
Describe the air temperature with the given description:
These molecules are slower and close together.
high altitude, cold weather
The air surrounding Earth.
What are the 4 primary elements looked at for weather conditions at a given time and place?
wind, temperature, humidity, and precipitation
Which part of the United States gets hail most frequently?
Midwest, Central, Middle
What kind of cloud produces a hailstorm?
cumulonimbus cloud
What weather conditions would not allow for precipitation to happen?
clear sky with no clouds
___________ occurs within the water cycle is responsible for changing water from a liquid to a gas.
What are two weather elements that accompany hail events?
rain, wind, high humidity, heat
Hail storms occur mostly during what part of the day?
Afternoons and evenings, when it is the warmest
How tall can cumulonimbus cloud be?
20,000 Feet Tall