First Aid
Safe Swim Defense
More First Aid
And again, First Aid

This occurs when the body's core temperature falls below the normal range and the body cannot produce enough heat.

What is Hypothermia


This phrase is used to prompt you to remember the 8 points of Safe Swim Defense

What is "Quit Pulling Sally's Left Leg and Be Decent"

This is the first treatment for hypothermia

What is prevent further heat loss


_________should be worn for all activities afloat in small craft. It will not only keep you afloat, but it can provide insulation and significantly reduce heat loss in cold water that could lead to hypothermia.

What is a properly fitted Personal Floatation Device (PFD)


Early signs include:  bluish lips and shivering.  If progressive, it will upset the victim's ability to think clearly

What is hypothermia


Application of warm (not hot) items to a hypothermia victim should occur on the trunk, crotch, neck and head but nerver to the ___________.

What is the extremities (legs and arms)


The first point of Safe Swim Defense

What is Qualified Supervision


Apply clean, wet compresses dipped in cool water and protect injured area's from further sun exposure.

What is how to treat a sun burn


_________should be worn for all activities afloat in small craft. It will not only keep you afloat, bu it can provide insulation and significantly reduce heat loss in cold water that could lead to hypothermia.

What is a properly fitted Personal Floatation Device (PFD).


For severe bleeding, control bleeding with _____ until emergency medical help arrives.

What is direct pressure or at pressure points.


You find a person outside on a hot day and they are dizzy, nauseous and have no energy, what might be their problem?  They may also have a rapid pulse rate, headache, muscle cramps, look pale and sweating heavily.

What is heat exhaustion


The 3 swim ability classifications

What are Nonswimmer, Beginner and Swimmer


Extreme, life-threatening stage of heat reaction when a person's core temperature is dangerously high.

What is Heatstroke


How to maintain warmth in a group when stranded in open water with PFD's

(Also Describe it for extra credit)

What is the huddle position

This is how cuts and scrapes should be treated.

What is cleaned, disinfected and covered with bandage or clean dressing.


This can occur if someone dives into shallow or obstructed water.

What is spinal injuries


Name 2 important consideration for a Safe Swim Area

Water Depth,  Water quality, temperature (air and water), water movement/current/waves, Water clarity


How to treat jellyfish stings.

What is apply vinegar or alcohol or cover with a paste of baking soda mixed with water.


This is the best stategy for cold-water survival.

What is float motionless with your PFD and clothes on, your head out of the water, and your legs drwn up close to your chest.

When tending to a spinal injury victim, only move them _________ and then move their head, neck and back ______________.

What is when absolutely necessary and as little as possible


Hyperventilation when swimming is dangerous because it decreases the level of ______ and suppresses the ________reflex

What is Carbon Dioxide, breathing


Persons should not jump into water from heights greater than____________________

What is Greater than they are tall


The technique used to move a spinal injury victim that limits the movement of the head, neck and spine.

What is in-line stabilization.


HELP in cold water survival stands for 

Heat escape lessening posture


You find a person who has been playing outside for hours on a hot, sunny day.  Their skin is hot, dry and red; and they are confused and extremely disoriented. How will you treat them?

What is:  Call for emergency help and begin to cool them immediately.  Fan them, apply wet towels, if available wrap ice packs in a thin barrier (like a t-shirt) and place under the arm pits, against the neck and groin area.
