What is the purpose of a conjunction?
What is a conjunction joins 2 independent or dependent clauses together in a sentence.
This part is found at the end of a word
What is a suffix
The Greek root bio is used in the words biology, biography, biosphere, antibiotic, what does bio mean?
What is bio means life.
The latin prefix means dis, what does the prefix dis mean?
What is dis means opposite of, not or reverse.
What is the subject of the following sentence: The bird flew gracefully high above the clouds.
What is bird?
This conjunction compares two or more unlike things.
What is or.
This is the main part and suggests a word's core meaning.
What is the root.
The root word graph is used in the words autograph, graphic, and paragraph, what does graph mean?
What means to write.
The Latin prefix pre is used in the words preview, predict, prepare, what does pre mean?
What is pre means before.
What is the predicate of the following sentence: The mysterious woman delivered a coded message.
What is delivered?
This conjunction links two or more alike things together
What is and.
This part of the word is found at the beginning of a word.
What is a prefix?
The root word Hydr is found in the words hydrate, dehydration, hydroelectricity, and hydrant. What does hydr mean?
What is hydr means water.
What does the latin root dent used in the words dentist, dental and denture, what does dent mean?
What is the root word dent means tooth.
What is the subject of this sentence: Hawaii and California were the top vacation spots in 2024.
What is Hawaii and California
This conjunction connects things that show a contrast or difference
What is but.
What is the prefix in the word antifreeze
What is anti.
The root word phon is found in the words phone, phonograph, and phonics. What does phon mean?
What is phon means sound.
The root word therm used in the words thermometer, thermal, thermos.
What is therm means heat.
What is the predicate of the sentence: Mother lions never desert their young.
What is desert?
This conjunction explains something that happens because of something else.
What is so.
What is the suffix in the word tenderness?
What is ness.
The root tele is found in the words telephone, telecast, telescope, and telepathy, what does tele mean?
What is tele means far?
The root word geo used in the words geography, geology, and geopolitical.
What is geo means earth?
Identify the subject and predicate of the following sentence: The soldiers wound required immediate care!
What is wound for the subject and what is required for the predicate.