Rosa Parks was born in?
1913 in Alabama
When was Jackie Robinson was born?
1919 in Georgia
When was George born?
Some believe he was born in 1861
Whenwas Thurgood Marshall born?
Baltimore, Maryland in 1908
Was there Segregation during this time?
What sports did Jackie Robinson play?
Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, and Basketball
What jobs did George have?
Farm hand, Laundry worker, a cook, and a janitor
Where did Thurgood go to college?
What did he become?
What was he known as?
Howard University
He became a lawyer
"Little Man's Lawyer."
Black and White people had to use seperate what?
Restaurants, schools, churches, bathrooms, swimming pools, and drinking fountains
When did Jackie get drafted into the Army? Who helped him become an officer?
He was drafted into the Army in 1941 and Joe Louis and other African Americans helped him become an officer.
When George went to college what did he specialize in?
Thurgood was in a very important court case in 1954. What is it known as?
Brown v. Board of Education
Why did Rosa Parks go to Jail? And what happened after she was arrested?
She didn't give up her seat for a white man. Boycott the buses.
Was Jackie Robinson the first African American baseball player in the MLB?
Yes, he was named the National League's most valuable player in 1949. He made Brooklyn Dodgers one of the best teams in baseball.
When did George Graduate from College? He accepted a job at? When farmers couldn't come to his classes he did what?
1894, Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, and he created "school on wheels."
What did he do in the basement of the school?
What happened after the boycott of buses?
Segregation of the buses ended.
When did he get inducted into the Hall of Fame? And when did he retire?
In 1962, and he retired in 1957 and he became vie president of Chock full o'Nuts coffee company.
Which crops helped the soil?
What did he develop out of the crops?
What did farmers call him?
Peanuts, Sweet Potatoes, and Soybeans.
Sugar, soap, shampoos, and medicines.
The "farmers' best friend."
President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Thurgood to be the first African American what?
U.S. Supreme Court Justice