If Prakash is at a fine dining establishment, what is he most likely to order?
What wonder of the world did most of us travel to together?
Taj Mahal
Demonstrate how Prakash rolls his eyes?
What was the name of the consulting company Prakash worked for in Cleveland?
Sedlak Management Consultants
One of the stars of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham
"Shah"rukh Khan
Prakash is making you breakfast. What will you be eating?
"Eggs up"
Prakash & Bina traveled to this city, while Darshna auntie & Ajit uncle took care of Seema & Samar
Where does Prakash prefer to take his naps?
What city would Prakash travel to M-F for several years?
Columbus, OH
This famous Prakash was an Indian Badminton Champion from 1971-1980. His daughter is now a famous Bollywood actress.
"Prakash" Padukone
What leafy green vegetable does Prakash enjoy in every preparation?
What city did Prakash fall in to the white water rapids?
Gatlinburg, TN
What is Prakash's favorite line to say to the waiter after clearly enjoying his meal?
"I did not like it one bit"
Where did Prakash get his master's degree in engineering?
Wayne State University
He played the role of a comedian and/or drunkard in many old Bollywood movies
Om Prakash
What is the food that Prakash's mom used to make, that Bina never made?
What was the name of the timeshare that Prakash got duped into purchasing?
Royal Solaris Cancun
What was Prakash's hair product of choice that he ruined the o-zone layer with?
Tresemme hair spray
What was on every one of Prakash's work shirts?
Famous Mughal emperor
"Shah" Jahan
What is chef Prakash's Indian comfort food specialty?
It was in this country that some of you lost Prakash and later found him in the tour bus.
Wayne State class ring
What was the nickname given Prakash's boss in Greensboro?
Prakash Raj