Resident Rights
Fun w/ Forms/Food
Policies & Procedures

Exposure to an event that leads to a sense of chaos, loss of control, and helplessness.

What is Trauma?


Do nursing home residents have a right to vote?

If yes, how does HCC manage this process?

Yes! They retain all rights as U.S. Citizens.

Social Services coordinates with resident to ensure their ability to vote. 


Where is the public survey book located at HCC?

The public survey book is located in the front lobby. 

Lets go take a look right now to be absolutely sure!


What should a resident do if they have a grievance?

Residents are encouraged to "voice" grievances using the HCC grievance form.  

Let's all take a quick look at the grievance form


Where can the HCC's policies & procedures be found for reference?

The HCC education library binder can always be found in the CNA station


Provide safety and address immediate medical needs.

What is the 1st Step of Trauma informed care approach. 


If a resident requests copies of their medical records, what is the appropriate response?

The request must be in writing, at which point, notify social services so they are able to fulfill request within the prescribed 48 hour window.  

*Residents may only view their OWN records.


Is HCC required to give notice to a resident before a room change?



What is the process if a resident would like to interact with members of the community both in and outside of the HCC facility?

Residents should use the Visitor Log to Sign In / Sign Out.

Any questions about the Visitor Log form?


If you were to notice a crack in the wall or dust building up in a resident room what should you do?

Put in a work order in the work order book or if it is matter of resident safety and requires immediate attention let Daniel or the charge nurse know ASAP


What are the 2 types/categories of restraints?

1) Physical- ie Full side-rails on a bed, a bed pushed against the wall with 1/2 side-rails, seclusion, tying someone down

2) Chemical- ie Psychotropic drugs used for staff convenience without a medical order from a physician


Does a nursing home resident have the right to refuse treatment?

Yes.  As long as resident is Cognitively Intact as defined by law.  A charge nurse must clearly explains risks vs benefits and adequately document the education for a resident to refuse treatment. 


Are residents allowed to have / consume alcohol or marijuana?

Alcohol is allowed IF it is not medically contraindicated and IF safety is provided when residents want to drink.  (Alcohol is currently contraindicated for 13/14 residents) HCC is responsible for providing safety and care plan before the 1/14 can drink.  Marijuana is not allowed as it remains illegal as a schedule 1 drug federally despite being decriminalized in Missouri.  HCC is a federally funded facility and therefore Marijuana is illegal for residents and staff alike. Social Services will coordinate AA, NA or other substance abuse related behavioral health if residents require it.  


A)When a resident is discharged to the E.R. / Hospital or to a lower level of care such as their home, WHO is responsible for notifying the ombudsman?

B)If resident is discharged to ER/Hospital WHO is responsible for providing the Bedhold Policy/Form to the EMS driver to give to the hospital?

Social Services is responsible for notifying the ombudsman.

Licensed Nurse provides the bedhold policy/form along with all additional paperwork to EMS driver/Hospital


What is HCC's behavior management policy/procedure?

HCC has a contract with Dear Oaks Behavioral Health.  Social Services offered services to each resident.  Those interested in participating signed a consent. Social services conducts psychosocial assessments per RAI process. 


What is Trauma Informed Care?

Any residents who are trauma survivors must receive culturally competent trauma informed care in order to eliminate and/or mitigate triggers that could cause re-traumatization of the  resident. 


Is HCC REQUIRED to provide stationary , postage, and pen/pencils for free?

No.  However, residents must have ACCESS to these materials through social services. 


What are some Quality Improvement processes HCC is currently working on?

Last annual survey citations include:

resident safety, pureed food, restraints, T.I.C., care plan process, work order process, agency illumination & staff retention.


When should a Hairnet and/or beard net be worn in the Kitchen?


Gloves must also be worn anytime when food could be handled.


Who participates in the initial, quarterly, and annual significant change of condition MDS & care plan process?

-Resident & Responsible Party per resident request ( *if resident has a legal guardian they would also participate)

-Licensed Nurse

-Social Services


-RD (registered dietician) or dietary manager




If a traumatic event ( ie - a fire, altercation between residents, death etc ) were to occur at HCC, what must we as a staff do to be T.I.C. compliant? 

Social services would meet with affected resident(s) and conduct psychosocial assessment before providing interventions and support.  All other residents would then complete psychosocial assessments to determine if they also have related previous trauma.


Do residents have the right to choose an aspect of their life in the facility that is significant to them?


As long as it is not contraindicated and / or infringe on the rights of others.


Who is NOT allowed in the kitchen?

Nurses, CNA's, CMT's, Housekeeping, & Laundry are not allowed in the Kitchen.

Maintenance & management staff are allowed for specific reasons with a hairnet and a food handler certification.


A)Does dietary staff need to have recipes for pureed food?

B)Is an order from a physician required for pureed food or any other mechanically altered food or drink?


Yes, staff may never provide food or drink that is not in line with or specified with a Doctor's order.


What does QAPI stand for?

Who participates in QAPI?


Quality Assurance Performance Improvement

Everyone!!!  Every employee has a right to participate in the QAPI process.  Managers will ask for your input on certain process improvement projects.  (ie- Trauma Informed Care = Have you noticed any resident appearing to be depressed?  If so, let charge nurse or SS know and assist in further monitoring of the resident.
