Ephemeral stream
a string of tarns
pater noster lakes
the shape of a glacial valley
Deserts cover ____ percent of earth's land area
process by which glaciers pick up and move sediments and rocks
an apron of sediment along a mountain front, formed by the coalescing of alluvial fans
a single lake in a cirque
A knife-edged narrow ridge between 2 glacial valleys
deserts occur on the 30* latitude line (Northern Africa, Australia, Southern Africa...) because...
descending, dry air currents
hypothesis about the cause of ice age that focuses on earth's orbit and axial tilt and wobble
Milankovitch hypothesis
Playa Lake
True or false, altitude is a major factor in glacial erosion
what covers the north pole?
Sea ice
mid-latitude deserts occur because
if we were to see a stream in the desert, we would guess that the stream came from _______.
outside the desert
Sediments deposited by glacial meltwater
stratified drift
if a glacial budget is balanced, the terminus of the glacier would: retreat, advance, or stay in the same place
stay in the same place
a mass of glacial ice covering a high upland or plateau and spreading out rapidly
ice cap
desert streams are rare, but when they do occur they are unique from other streams in that their _________ decreases as it goes along.
lifting of loose material by wind
lake formed during period of increased rainfall in arid or semiarid areas during ice age
Pluvial Lake
an ice-transported boulder that was not derived from the bedrock near its present site
glacial erratic
where does most of our knowledge about glacial cycles and the ice age come from?
seafloor sediment samples
a semiarid climate bordering the desert
deposits of windblown silt, lacks clear layers