What song does she use her fingernails as a typewriter?
9 to 5
How long should a resident's teeth be brushed?
At least two minutes.
What should you do every time you leave the building at the end of your shift?
Clock out
When speaking to a resident with dementia, staff should use this type of communication?
Short and direct
This resident worked as a computer operator at a hospital, has an MFA degree in Art, and loved to read mystery novels.
Joan Dyett
How many times/day does the microwave have to be cleaned
How many wigs does she claim to own?
365. One for each day of the year.
How frequently should a resident's teeth be brushed?
Twice daily
How long are breaks
10 minutes
When a resident becomes agitated or aggressive, instead of arguing, staff should use this technique to redirect and calm the resident?
Validation and redirection
This resident lived in California, has a Master's degree in Education and was a teacher, speaks Spanish, and a favorite team is the Padres.
Tracy Huckens
When do full aprons need to be worn by staff?
During mealtimes. It is a protective layer for staff when feeding residents to prevent body fluids and food born illness.
What is the name of the red-headed banker she sings about?
How much denture adhesive should be applied to dentures?
2-4 pea-sized dabs
Howl long are lunches
30 minutes
What type of clothing options should be offered to a resident to help them be independent in dressing?
Simple, easy-to-fasten clothes
This resident was a business owner and is described by their family as "being a social butterfly", loves sports is athletic, and loves to be useful.
Veda Mortensen
Can personal items be stored in the neighborhood kitchenettes?
NO, lockers are in the breakroom or leave items in your car.
Who mega star had a hit with Dolly's song "I Will Always Love You"?
Whitney Houston
What products do you need to complete oral care successfully?
Toothbrush and toothpaste, (floss)
Do you clock out for your breaks
A well-designed dementia-friendly environment minimizes these, which can cause confusion and distress for residents?
Clutter and excessive noise
This resident was married for 73 years, likes country and western music, walks the community for exercise, and attends the Lutheran church with family.
Ruth Gartner
How are utensils placed and handled during meal time?
Utensils are placed prong down and held by the handle
What is Dolly's husband's name (first and last name)
Carl Dean
What steps should be taken if someone refuses oral care? 4 STEPS
Try a second attempt, another care partner, Med tech, report to RN
What are the new paydays and when is our next payday
Every other Friday. This Friday, the 14th
Staff can help prevent residents from wandering by ensuring they have this?
A predictable daily schedule
This resident spent 2.5 years in Africa, was in the Peace Corp., can play several instruments (prefers the guitar), and dislikes group settings.
Daniel Andrews
When does food need to be disposed of after serving Where are areas where food should not be stored?
Two hours after serving out. Oven, countertop, cabinets/cupboards, resident rooms.