Name the value of the digit 6
6 hundredths
3.14 and 3.140
3.14 = 3.140
Round 4.733 to the nearest tenth
Order greatest to smallest:
0.8; .083; 0.78; 0.81
.083; 0.81; 0.8; 0.78
10 times as much as .33
10 times as much as .33 is 3.3
Name the place value of the digit 3
3 ones
0.3 and 0.03
0.3 > 0.03
Round 4.789 to the nearest hundredth
Order least to greatest:
0.008; 1.8; 0.81; 0.09
0.008; 0.09; 0.81; 1.8
Ten times as much as 4.33
Ten times as much as 4.33 is 43.3
Name the place value of the digit 6
6 thousandths
7.1 and 7.100
7.1 = 7.100
Round 4.99 to the nearest one
Order greatest to least
1.55; 10.5; 10.78; 0.155
10.78; 10.5; 1.55; 0.155
1/10 as much as 300
1/10 as much as 300 is 30
Name the place value of the digit 3
3 tens
102.2 and 102.22
102.2 < 102.22
Round 5.719 to the nearest one
Order least to greatest
101.33; 100.33; 101.55; 107.3
100.33; 101.33; 101.55; 107.3
1/10 as much as 3.45
1/10 as much as 3.45 is .345
Name the place value of the digit 0
0 tenths
120.3 and 12.30
120.3 > 12.30
round 4.319 to the nearest hundredth
Order least to greatest
.002; .003; 0.22; 0.2
.002; .003; 0.2; 0.22
1/100 as much as 300
1/100 as much as 300 is 3