Are emotions good or bad? Explain
Neither. Emotions are neither good or bad. They are letting us know how we are feeling at that moment.
Saying positive things to yourself to help you feel better.
What are affirmations?
Tightening your muscles and relaxing your body. We did squeeze the lemon, stretching like a cat, barefoot in the mud.
What is progressive muscle relaxation?
Looking for positive solutions to situations. Asking an adult for help. Ways to move on past difficult situations.
What is problem solving?
Happy, joyful, hopeful, ecstatic, surprised.....
What are feel good emotions?
What is the emotion when you feel sad for two weeks or more?
Taking long deep breaths and holding your belly to feel the air coming in and out of your body.
What is belly breathing?
They listen to me, they make me feel good about myself, the spend time with me, the keep my secrets.
What is a good friend?
When it is time to reach out to an adult about a friend?
Angry, sad, jealous, mad, enraged, bored....
What are difficult emotions?
Not feeling motivated, sad all the time, crying a lot , does want to eat, doesn't want to come to school, maybe hurting themselves
What are signs of depression?
Writing your thoughts down in a notebook.
What is journalling?
They talk negatively about me, they gossip about me, the say hurtful things to me.
What is a negative friend?
An organization you can call when you are really worried about a friend and need an immediate check in on them.
What is safe2tell?
Failing a test, difficulty with friends, trouble at home
What are situations that cause you stress?
What are things you can do to tell your friend you are about them?
What are ANT's? automatic negative thoughts
What is bullying behaviors?
Feeling overly sad, worried, confused, fearful for yourself or others or a friend.
When to reach out to an adult?
What is peer pressure?
Tell an adult, parent, teacher, school counselor.
What you do when you are really worried about a friend?
I can do this. Everything will be okay. I can let this go. I can handle this. I can survive. I will be okay.
Feeling like you want to hurt yourself. Hurting self can include purposefuly failing in class, hurting your body
What is self-harm
Swimming, hiking, camping, picnics, BBQ's, bike riding, playing video games during break, hanging out with friends.
What to do to enjoy your summer?