The number of syllables in the word: baseball
What is 2?
read the word and identify the blend: flip
flip, fl
read the word and identify the blend: stuff
stuff, st
SURPRISE! What blend is in our principal's name?
Is this a closed syllable -- crunch?
read the word and identify the blend: drum
drum, dr
read the word and identify the digraph blend: munch
munch, nch
Surprise! Fix this sentence.
the catjumps on therugg
The cat jumps on the rug.
Is this a closed syllable -- she?
read the word and identify the blend: crash
crash, cr
read the word and identify the digraph blend: lunch
lunch, nch
SURPRISE! Name 3 things you have learned in first grade!
The kind of syllable is in the word: plot
What is closed?
read the word and identify the blend: trust
trust, tr, st
read the word and identify the blend: cracks
cracks, cr
SURPRISE! What vowel teams make the long vowel sound a?
ai, ay
The syllable types for the following words:
free, crib, at, play
What is open, closed, closed, vowel team
Spell the following: a synonym for also, the number after 1, the word that says where something goes (I go __ school)
too, two, to
read the word and identify the blend: clams
clams, cl
read the word and identify the digraph blend: shrubs
shrubs, shr
SURPRISE! What R-controlled vowels say /r/?
er, ir, ur