If you go into someone's room and they have racial slurs written on a whiteboard/fridge/anywhere, what type of report needs to be submitted?
What is a Bias Incident Report Form?
Items for drug use
What is drug paraphenalia?
If there is a leaky faucet, submit one of these
What is a work order/facilities request?
What signage is on the back of every door (except for Sutton)?
What is the fire exit route diagram?
There can be flags/items/signs/decals facing outward in windows
Be sure you are checking all windows during LSIs!
What is a task you can get done while you're completing LSIs?
Hint: There is a Roompact form for it
What are TarTalks?
The names of the Director and Associate Director of CSR
Who are Jonathan & Tiara?
QUICK! The door doesn't close and latch on its own. Who are you calling ASAP?
Who is my Area Coordinator OR Facilities? (both are acceptable)
You check here for flame marks/melted plastic
What is a thermostat?
Bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, and any other similar devices can definitely be used in common spaces.
If there are fairy lights hanging 2 inches from the ceiling, you must ________
1. Tell them to take it down
2. Follow up within 24 hours
Bolting open your door multiple times may result in this type of meeting with an AC...
What is a Residential Education Conversation (REC)?
If there are belongings on both sides of the room but only one resident living there, the room is NOT...
What is Vacancy-Ready?
If you see this, even if it's unused, it will need to be confiscated.
What is a candle?
If everyone in the apartment is 21+ they are allowed to have funnels, kegs, and play flip cup.
Even though alcohol may be allowed in this apartment, activities and items that encourage binge drinking is PROHIBITED
You know someone has an approved ESA when they have _______
What is "an approved ESA door tag provided by Accessibility Services"
(have to say the whole answer in order to get the points)
Furry friends can be residents only if they are...
What is APPROVED Emotional Support Animals (ESA) through Accessibility Services?
A room is filled with trash, empty food containers, and also, it stinks. This room would warrant what kind of actions? (More than one)
What is a follow-up with the resident and a student of concern report for their wellbeing?
If a door is _______ it makes fire spread quicker
What is open/ajar?
If no one answers after 3 times knocking and announcing yourself as RLE, you have permission to key in with another RLE buddy.
These are 6 inches from the ceiling
What is a fire sprinkler?
Acceptable answers: Smoke Detector, Emergency light
Who do you call FIRST when you find alcohol or drugs?
Who is my Area Coordinator?
Name the 4 pieces of college-provided furniture in each bedroom in EVERY residence hall.
Bed Frame
Students can not tamper with or cover this. There is one in every room.
What is "a smoke detector"?
Popcorn poppers, hot plates, air fryers, and rice cookers are allowed in ALL residence halls.