He climbed a skyscraper
What is an ama?
A pearl diver
What is Ghost's real name? (First and Last)
Castle Crenshaw
What job is Jonas assigned?
Receiver of Memory
What genre is The Giver?
Dystopian Fiction
Who is the reporter that annoys the Sherpas and brings her own chef and masseuse?
What war was happening during the events of Pearl?
World War II
What sport does Ghost like at the beginning of the book? What sport does he end up doing?
He likes basketball, he eventually does track
How many crimes gets someone released in the Giver?
What are the boxes in graphic novels called?
Who was trying to kick Peak and Sun-jo off the mountain?
Captain Shek
What US naval base was attacked in Pearl?
Pearl Harbor
What does Ghost steal?
Who was the previous Receiver-in-training?
What kind of figurative language is it when the author uses an exaggeration?
What nickname does Peak give his sisters?
The peas
What city did Amy move to in Pearl?
Who is the owner of the store that Peak buys sunflowers from?
Mr. Charles
How many books are in the Giver series?
What is the name of the rocky, sandstone section of Everest toward the top of the mountain? (Hint: It includes a color)
The Yellow Band
What skill made Amy a good spy for Japan?
She was bilingual.
What is the name of Ghost's neighborhood?
Glass Manor
What kind of memory does Jonas let the Giver keep?
Memories of music
Name Peak's father and his stepfather.
Josh and Rolf