What is a musical symbol for High Pitched Voices?
Treble Clef
How many beats does a Quarter note receive?
1 beat
What does piano mean?
What does staccato mean?
A note is sung or played short.
What is Ms. Luptak's and Ms. Jefferson's favorite color?
Pink and Yellow
What has 5 lines and 4 spaces where music is written?
A Staff
How many beats does a whole rest receive?
4 beats
What is the symbol for accent?
When is Friendsgiving?
November 20, 2024
What is a musical symbol that shows how many beats are in a measure?
a Time Signature
How many beats does a dotted half note receive?
3 beats
What means to gradually get louder?
What does Fp mean?
Sing forte then suddenly to piano.
What is the capital city of Texas?
What is a line that separates the staff into measures?
a Bar Line
Draw a half rest!
What is the Italian word for FF?
What is the definition of tenuto?
To stress or sing a note for its full value.
What singer was nominated for the most Grammy awards in the 2024 Grammy Award Nominations?
What symbol indicates the end of the song?
a Double Bar Line
How many beats does a
whole rest + dotted half note + a pair of eighth notes equal?
8 beats
What goes between mf and mp? < or >
> decrescendo
Which one is louder? Tenuto, Marcato, or Accent?
Who won the last Superbowl?
Kansas City Chiefs