What is the form called that tells us when a child arrives?
Attendance Record
Sign in and out sheet
What is the Performance Standard # regarding attendance?
How do we know when recruitment efforts are reaching our families?
On the intake form "how did you hear about us?"
Report #7780
What is the Performance Standard # regarding recruitment?
Why do we have to keep record of a child's time in our care?
CA State Licensing requirement
Office of Head Start Performance Standard Requirement
Legal Documentation of provider payments
What is the timeline to follow up if a child hasn't shown up for class and parent hasn't called in?
1 hour
Where in Child Plus do we put the information "how did you hear about us?"
Application tab for Primary & Secondary Parents Agency Specific Area
What must a program do according to the OHS Performance Standards to reach those most in need?
Must develop and implement recruitment processes and activities
If a child is braided & on the AR sheet, the child didn't come because the parent was not working and they used a BID day, how is it entered in CP?
Attendance Status: Excused
Absence Reason: Not Working
We never use BID in CP for MSHS programs
What is the ADA % that if it falls below, the program must analyze the data and make changes in a timely matter to improve attendance?
When should we hand out high priced recruitment swag? Hats, string backpacks, sun shades, bandanas?
We can easily hand out stickers, magnets, crayons, toothbrushes. We should only hand out the higher priced items when a family has children 0-5 and fill out the initial contact form so we can follow up with them.
Besides paper intakes, what else does the OHS Performance Standards state that we must include in families applying for services?
Modern Technologies
If a classroom closed or has been closed due to staffing, what is the classroom status?
At a minimum, what must a program do to implement strategies to promote attendance?
Name 2 out of the 5
1. Provide benefits of regular attendance
2. Support families to promote the child's regular attendance
3. Conduct a home visit or make other direct contact with the child's parents
4. On an ongoing basis use the child's attendance data to identify patterns of absence and provide intensive case management
5. Examine barriers
What are 3 "paper" recruitment items we can hand out to families for recruitment?
1. Flyer
2. MSHS Program Brochure
3. FCC Provider Brochure
4. Disabilities Brochure
5. CAPSLO MSHS Program Map
6. MSHS Placemat
7. Picture Documents Needed
OHS Performance Standards state we must include specific efforts to actively locate and recruit what type of children?
1. Children with disabilities
2. Foster Care
3. Homeless
If a classroom is normally open but teachers called in sick and couldn't operate, what is the classroom status?
What are the steps that the OHS Performance Standards say to do if a child ceases to attend?
The program must make appropriate efforts to re engage the family to resume attendance and include in the points above.
Who do we reach out to if we need support on modeling recruitment engagement with families?
1. Your supervisor
2. Chain of command
What families do we need to recruit and prioritize?
Migrant Families