What do all three letters in PIE stand for?
Rabbits live together in burrows. Their babies are born blind and without fur. Hares live alone above ground. Their babies are born with fur and are not blind. In addition, hares are usually bigger than rabbits.
Rabbits and hares are not the same.
Key Words: After, then, ages, years, dates, first, second, third, before, after, finally, next.
Sequence text structure
If an author is trying to get you to do something, what is their purpose?
Giant pandas live in bamboo forests in China. The average giant panda eats about 30 pounds of bamboo each day. Unfortunately, the forests are being cut down and the giant panda is losing its habitat.
Giant pandas are losing their habitat.
Thousands of people die each year in car accidents involving drugs or alcohol. Lives could be saved if our town adopts a free public taxi service. By providing such a service, we could prevent intoxicated drivers from endangering themselves or others.
Problem and Solution
Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!
Which of PIE is this?
Guinea pigs may be pets in the United States, but in Peru, they are dinner. Guinea pigs are a good source of protein for many people who live in Peru. They can also be a much needed source of income for people who raise them to sell.
In Peru, many people eat guinea pigs.
Key Words: Both, on the other hand, similar, different, also, too, however.
Compare and Contrast
Florida is a state in the southern United States. The capital is Tallahassee, and the state bird is the mockingbird. There are many beaches in Florida.
Which of PIE is this?
The Maasai people in East depend on their cattle for most of their food. They sell cattle to outsiders to p ay for the things they need. They spend most of their time tending to their cows.
The lives of the Maasai people are centered around their cattle.
Key Words: Because, since, if/then, due, as a result, for this reason, consequently, therefore, because
cause and effect text structure
Dear Governor Perry, I think you should send more money to my school to help us buy some new computers for our classroom. We would be able to learn more and have fun. Sincerely, Mrs. Pedrotti's Class
Before toothbrushes were invented, people cleaned their teeth with small twigs. The first toothbrushes were made from bones and bristles from boars, horse hairs, or even feathers. Today the bristles on most toothbrushes are made from nylon.
Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural items to clean their teeth.
When you walk into my bedroom there is a window facing you. To the right of that is a dresser and television and on the other side of the window is my bed.