Legal documents stating the patient’s wishes for medical care in the event that he/she cannot make these decisions.
What are the steps in Litigation?
•A written notice.
•Legal document in which the court orders an individual to appear in court.
•A sworn statement to the court before any trial begins.
Double Jeopardy!!!
What does HIPAA Stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) became Public Law 104-191 in 1996
What are some nonverval communication?
Facial Expression, Tone of Voice, Eye contact, Body movement and posture, Space, Appearance
What are some types of electronic communication technologies
•VoIP (telephony).
•Voice conferencing (also known as conference calling).
•Web conferencing.
•Video conferencing.
•Live Streaming.
In general, physicians are responsible not only for the quality of the care they give to patients but also for___________
•The safety of employees.
•The safety of the premises.
Double Jeopardy!!!!!
Designed to protect individuals who render care to an injured person from liability
Good Samaritan Act
Protected Health Information
Double Jeopardy!!!
What are some common points of effective writing and speaking?
•The communication has an appropriate tone.
•The communication has a clear purpose, aim, or goal.
•The message is directed to a person, or “listener,” who is to receive it.
•Correct English is used—including acceptable grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Complete information is given in a direct, concise, and courteous way
What are some common errors when writing a communication?
•Keyboarding mistakes.
•Errors of transposition in both letters and numbers.
•Spacing errors, including not spacing correctly between words.
What is Malpractice?
The improper care or treatment of a patient by a physician, hospital, or other provider of healthcare as a result of carelessness, neglect, lack of professional skill, or disregard for the established rules or procedures.
Double Jeopardy!!!!
A major legislative weapon in the fight against fraud because it protects whistleblowers against retaliation
False Claims Act
There are three everyday situations in which PHI can be released without the patient’s permission
•Healthcare Operations.
What are some reasons for Written Rather than Oral Communication?
•Giving complex directions or instructions.
•Being efficient.
•Documenting an event or a fact.
•Providing for confidentiality.
List the steps of the communication
cycle and give an example of a barrier to each step
Origination of the message by the sender.
Encoding of the message by the sender
Transmission of the message.
Receiving and decoding of the message by the receiver
Checking for understanding through feedback
What is Medical Abandonment?
When the patient-physician relationship is terminated at an unreasonable time and without providing the patient an opportunity to locate another physician of the same or similar specialty.
Double Jeopardy !!!!
This law Prevent physicians from making patient referrals to an entity that provides designated health services and receives payment from a federal health program if the physician has a financial relationship with that provider
Stark Laws/Anti-Kickback Laws
HIPAA Security Rule
Specifies how covered entities must secure PHI on computer networks, the Internet, extranets, etc. (any electronic medium).
What are the three safeguards under HIPAA?
•Administrative Safeguards.
•Technical Safeguards.
•Physical Safeguards.
What are the two types of letter used in the medical office?
Feelings can be hurt by the __________ used by another
Tone of voice use by another
An intentionally dishonest practice that deprives others of their rights.
What are some elements of the patient's bill of rights
•Created to increase and strengthen consumers’ confidence in the healthcare system.
•Establish a stronger foundation on which to build physician-patient relationships.
•Emphasize a patient’s right to receive quality care.
•Make patients more responsible.
HIPAA National Identifiers
Identifiers are required for.
•Health plans.
What are Some Types of Correspondence
•Letters of acknowledgment.
•Letters of information.
•Referral and consultation letters.
•Follow-up letters.
•Interoffice memorandums.
•E-mail and other electronic communication technologies.
_________is one of the most visible and expressive parts of the body; it is capable of many expressions, which reflect our thoughts and emotions.
The face